28 December 2004
Hope you all had a great weekend and are enjoying the week leading up to the year 2005 :-) I've got something here now for many people; a toy for Petz II , also Petz 3 (English and non-English), Petz 4, and of course Petz 5.
This toy is also a little gift to hexers who want to convert their Babyz dolls to Petz games. Hexers please take note that there are significant differences between the versions.
20 December 2004
Okay, here is the thing I've been amusing myself with these past several days. People who don't like external-lnz files, sorry -- you won't be able to play with my little people, but I had a ball making them. They are for Catz 3, 4 and 5; the Catz II version is not yet done. There is a PG-rated version as well as a version with grown-up stuff; if the sight of pixel nudity offends, download the PG one from the People LNZ breed page.
They come in three colours, various eye colours, male, female, old person and young person, and they change from child to adult. I've also made a page which collects together various human-type breedz (such as my Boy and Snowbo), as I might perhaps make more and it keeps 'em all together.
18 December 2004
This isn't what I was talking about yesterday, but it's still pretty cute I think :-) It's the Firefly, available on the meerii link on my Team Creations page
I'm still working on the chuckle-worthy item mentioned yesterday, so with any luck tomorrow will see it burst forth in all its glory. Or maybe not. Time is a fickle thing...
17 December 2004
Busy busy busy -- just a couple of easy-edit kits for Babyz -- hope it makes you happy, Daniel :-) Get 'em from the Babyz Easy-edit page, under Toyz/clo of course.
I can't wait to show all you Petz II-5 fans what I've been working on, it's hilarious but perhaps I'd better make a "PG" rated version as well before I do so. Hoping to release it tomorrow, we'll see how it goes...
16 December 2004
Yet again it's just a small update; my fantastic "gunk" toychest for babyz has been updated so as not to clash with the hippo -- thanks, Daniel, for pointing that out. So all those of you who have been desperate to use it (LOL) grab it from the Babyz Easy-edit page, under Toyz/clo. And a fantastic "thank you" from Manda on my main Gifts from friends page.
A more exciting download update tomorrow for some of you, I hope. Getting a bit carried away with the hexing again!
13 December 2004
Once again, not much of an update for you guys -- I've been busy with Real Life and with a load of hex-help emails -- but for me, I've got a couple more links on my Small is beautiful page and some gorgeous pictures on my gifts from friends pages :-)
11 December 2004
Not an update; this is a notice to Sarah of Luvziframe , I have been unable to email her for days now. (update 13th dec, thanks to my old friend Sue of Boardwalkerz fame, Sarah is now aware of the problem. Hugs, Sue!) All my mails get returned as "unable to deliver", and I don't have AIM. While I'm mentioning emails, I repeat what I say elsewhere -- unless the mail is spam or a virus, I always answer. I spend some time each day working through my mailbox. If you've written to me recently and not had an answer within a few days, it's because I either didn't get your message or because my own mail to you hasn't got through, and it's worth writing again to check.
09 December 2004
This time it's a catz breed; the Sandz Cat, the catz 3 version of which has been up at Sand'z Cattery since I hexed it in 1999. Since that site has been static for several years now, I am putting it up here along with conversions to Catz 3 International, Catz 4 and Catz 5.
Also I've got the final two sets of dogz sounds up, for the Sound-stripped Papillon and German Shepherd breedz.
07 December 2004
A couple of unimportant things really -- an "easy-edit" version of the P5 Playscene Editor on the petz tutorials page, the result of my investigations into the thing. Nothing special about it, but it's smaller than before for people who care about that, and you can easy-edit two small icons, LOL. During my investigations I made a new Playscene for Petz 5 with it which I thought turned out quite fun, so am sharing it with you.
06 December 2004
A new Team Creations page, for which I create LNZ file breedz -- to be used with my "easy-edit" packages -- from petz bred by meerii.
Nothing else at the moment, apart from shuffling a load of the "What's new" old stuff onto my archive pages, but I hope to get plenty more done soon. Darn it, I should update my real-life cats site too, that's nearly a month out of date... Time moves too fast...
03 December 2004
A couple of easy-edit playscene kits forPetz 5 on the petz tutorials page, plus you can get the Adoption Centre one from my Petz 5 Playscenes page on account of it's part of my "nostalgia" range -- with the Petz 4 backdrop. Something a bit different coming soon I hope. And I must tidy up this front page, it's getting rather long...
01 December 2004
December already -- what happened to the rest of the year? A little bitty update for you... I know, I know, it's Babyz again, but that's the kooky way my brain goes. I fully intended to blatter on with other stuff, but was reminded of these nearly-finished items, so I tidied them up and here they are.
30 November 2004
Not quite next day, but not bad for me -- just one day late... The grubz-mice for Catz 3, 4 and 5 games. They have their own special page , and to use them the way I intended you will want to download and install the version of my mice Easy-edit package that is relevant to your game -- available from my Petz Easy-edit page of course.
28 November 2004
Back to Babyz for this update; a sip-cup Easy-edit kit as well as an extra howto on getting toyz to show where you want them to. In the toyz section of the page of course. Also an ice-cup for your babyz' delectation, really as part of the howto but also a toy in its own right.
25 November 2004
At last, the Petz 5 Easy-edit kit for mice etc is up. It includes a Petz 5 Rez.dll which is very much cut-down, for people who are afraid to alter a small item in a hex editor. Like I said, it's very much cut-down and you won't be able to play the mini-games, so if you are a fan of the mini-games it's not for you. On the other hand, if you just want to edit things, swap things around and generally have fun with the game, then this is for you.
24 November 2004
At last, the Petz 3 International and petz 4 Easy-edit kit for Adoption Centre door, Carry-case, and mice etc is up. Not yet got the split filmstrips done for the Petz 4 case and door, but at least the main zips are up now. Grubz mice still to come for P3, P4, P5 -- not ready yet. Also done some updates on the Tutorials pages; the 2nd-gen report has been updated with more info on tricky addball/linez issues, and I'm doing things with the LNZ breakdown chunks... so far, have attempted to make some things a little clearer as regards the [Move] Key Text. Also have separated out the extra Oddballz Key Texts onto their own page but not yet written up my notes on them; at least the Summary links lead to the right page now :-)
20 November 2004
Well, what we're seeing is actually more stuff for Babyz today; it all came together before I expected it to, so it goes up first. On the Babyz Easy-edit and fixes page, you will find a Babyz Demo fooler, a bit more complicated to get all the bits and install than the Oddballz demo fooler was but worth it if you're keen. Also there, under the Toyz section, an easy-edit kit for the Frog toychest, which I hope makes the business of filmstrip-editing easier to understand, as well as my very own Gunk toychest. Consider yourselves lucky that I didn't upload my "gone" toychest -- that one would have driven you as crazy as me :-)
18 November 2004
A quick update for babyz players, frequently requested and so rattled together quickly for you -- a howto about toyz and clothes' positions in closets, and a safe-copy of the original babyzRez.dll file for all those who forget to keep a backup copy for themselves when using Resource Hacker. Hoping to get those P3-5 grubz and the P3 int and p4 carrycase easy-edits up tomorrow. We'll see.
14 November 2004
Am in a rush right now, so this will be quick. Lots of stuff for hexers; a complete re-haul of my petz hexing page, the Petz 3 easy-edit kit for Adoption Centre door, Carrycase and door, and mice etc is up as well as a bunch of other odd bits and pieces, sorry to be so inexact. The Petz 3 International and Petz 4 versions of the Kits will be up soon, as well as the grubz-mice, but not today. Also my links pages are updated with a few new items. Finally, I've uploaded Petz 3 and 5 versions of Butterfly Chaser's Jackal. Err, I think that's all... Will let you know if I remember anything I've missed.
30 October 2004
Okay, luck and a fair wind isn't with me, so the people who were waiting for the "easy-edit" Petz 3 and Petz 4 carry-case doors and P3, 4 and 5 grubz-mice will have to bear with me until near the end of the coming week, sorry about that. But for the time being here are the Catz 1 grubz-mice
28 October 2004
The links pages updated, both the "small is beautiful" one and the main one.
Yes, I know I said that the main one was going to be static, and it is -- but in this case I had to
update because Minibyte has a site at last and has started to put her archive online! Yay!
Apart from that, no other update except for a bugfix version of Butterfly Chaser's Dogz 4 Jackal, but I've got
a bunch of stuff for various games almost ready for you. With luck and a fair wind I'll be able to get them up before the end of the weekend...
23 October 2004
Is it that late already?? How the time flies when you're covered in kittens ;-) Oh well, I have some things for you at last. For Dogz 4 players, Butterfly Chaser's Greenland Dog and Black-backed Jackal
12 October 2004
Nothing for you today, sorry -- the Real Life frenzy has increased again. At the end of last week two of my six babies went to a new home, but last night three new 5-week-old babies arrived...
11 October 2004
A small item to help people who are trying to add things into .pet files. Uses adding fangs to a cat pet as an example. Get to it on my petz-specific tutorials page, down in the "petfiles" section. Of course the same basic methods apply to anyone wanting to edit a .baby file.
09 October 2004
Don't get excited, it's only a zipfile of sounds -- Babyz sounds carefully sorted out and made usable in Petz. For anyone who wants to make a human baby-type breed out of either a Sheepdog or an Alley Cat. Put together by special request, and available in my Species Sounds page.
06 October 2004
Just an update on the tutorials pages. How to add bits from clothing items to breedz or to new babyz, using Pepe's moustache as an example. Mainly to help Sue with her problem, because I could not email her, but hopefully also of interest to others
03 October 2004
Nothing much -- just the Windows Oddballz Gryphonic updated to a different "slot", also a short-name version for Windows 3.1 players in case they cannot play the original version.
02 October 2004
An update for Windows Oddballz players at last -- the Gryphonic ported to Windows. It still has Skorch sounds, as I've just not had the time to fix up new ones yet, but at least the breed is there for you.
Nothing else yet, am hoping to get more hexing done this week. We shall see!
01 October 2004
Still horrifically busy, but at last I've got the sea-serpent up on the Petz 3,4,5 External-LNZ breedz page . There is a zip of pet files, and the overwriting .lnz files for use with my "For LNZ-files 'n' easy-edits" packages.
Apart from that, there is a correction on my static links page (sorry, Liz) and I've got info on my real-life cats site for those who want to know why I'm too busy these days.
04 September 2004
I've uploaded the Dogz 5 version of Melanie's Turtle on my Team creations page
Nothing else for you today, sorry; I've not even yet had the time to convert the breed to Petz 3 and 4. I'm going flat-out feeding and caring for those six bottle-babies, helping Tattianna to get well again, and keeping the rest of my neurotic foster-family from going completely round the twist 8-}
NOTE -- if you've written to me within the last couple of days and not got a reply, please write again; I think some messages may have got lost when my ISP suffered a glitch or gremlins... Also, I have had zero time to visit forums, so if you've tried to message me at any of them and want a reply, it's best if you email me. The one thing I make sure to do each day at the computer is check my mailbox.
01 September 2004
Not a real update, sorry. I've got a "small is beautiful" page, leading from my now-static links page, to encourage people to visit small, interesting sites; and I've done something for babyz hexers with the LNZ info chunks. Next update will include a "team effort" turtle and the gryphonic Oddballz breed for Windows, but not today. Real Life has been taking over here with a vengeance; we've had quite a few little crises over the past three weeks, culminating in the surprise arrival of six bottle babies. Yes, there are six in this picture...
13 August 2004
Just a couple of howtos for you How to use Linez in Babys hexing and
How to make Add Ball tattoos
My links page updated yet again. I can't keep up with all the links, so that page is going static from now on, sorry. Finally a new member of my foster-cat family, for those of you who follow it :-)
11 August 2004
I've got a new page up now, the Petz 3,4,5 External-LNZ breedz page on account of I'm not getting time to make proper non-overwriting breedz. So, many of my breedz from now on will be in the form of overwriting external-lnz files, for use with my "For LNZ-files 'n' easy-edits" packages. And to start it off, I've got the two crazy 3-headed breedz there plus a brand-new "Chao" breed for fans of Sonic games
also I've updated my links page yet again... It seems that the MGInc forum has moved.
10 August 2004
You'll be glad to hear that my eyes are almost back to normal now, and I can see the computer screen properly again. On the down side, Steve says he can't use me as his secret weapon any more by getting me to glare at people :-) I've not got a whole lot for you, but I have got Cerberus up at last on the Mad Scientist page
and I've updated my pet to breed tutorial to make it (I hope) easier to follow.
Apart from that, there's been a little more site maintenance which means that the links page is yet again fixed up, plus the Tutorials pages are still improving -- more work still to do on those though, to make them easier for you to find stuff. I've got some great new gifts and an award on my "gifts from friends" pages, and I've been updating my Real Life foster-cats site with a happy rehoming and a sad death.
01 August 2004
Having problems with my eyes at the moment -- for the ghoulish youth amongst you, they are bright red, weeping green icky stuff and difficult to see out of 8-} So once again, not a lot for you just now, but I have got a "cat 'o' nine tails" on the Mad Scientist page
also at last I've updated my Links page and my "gifts from friends" and put up all those lovely, lovely birthday things that people sent to me. Thank you all. P.S. remember, if any of the pages or downloads don't work for you, refresh the pages. I'm pretty sure everything works fine since I moved it all on 29th July, but your cache or your ISP's cache may still have my old pages stashed away.
29 July 2004
If you can't download or see things properly here, please refresh or reload on your browser. I've had to spend time today shifting everything thanks to someone hotlinking to my files and images. Folks, I say this clearly on this front page, but I repeat it here: Please do not, I repeat not link directly to my files and images. It is bandwidth theft, because every time someone goes to the page with such links it uses bandwidth that Abby (my site's host) has to pay for. It's even worse when the thief doesn't even acknowledge that the files are mine. So today I've had to spend precious time that I would rather have spent hexing for you all just because of one selfish idiot.
Apart from that, I've got a small update on my .LNZ breakdown pages and on their main "summary" page I've got the Key Texts linked to the correct .lnz breakdown pages. I hope.
23 July 2004
Just a quickie on the main tutorials page, to help people who have pets adopted from same-name files with different ID numbers (such as Laura's Muttlies). I had this up before, when there was all that business with Nicky of Petzfriends altering the ID numbers of my files, but now I've made it easier for you to find.
22 July 2004
Blame Real Life again. Why not? I do :-) All I have for you today are un-hidden circus cannons for your Petz 4 and Petz 5 games (on the relevant toyz pages). Do please read the readme files; these toys are a little strange.
18 July 2004
Still nothing much in the way of hexing for you, thanks to Real Life. Looking forward to the long winter evenings, LOL! But There is another team effort with Nicole on the "Team Creations" page, this time the Ostrich for Petz 3, 4 and 5
and I've finally finished the job of making all my breedz work properly with external sounds -- or they should do, anyway. I've updated my links page a couple of days ago, but it needs updating again, aaargh, that'll have to wait another day or two as will some lovely gifts I've been given. I've updated my Petz toyz tutorial, am still in process of tidying up those pages so things there should improve eventually. Also it has been brought to my attention that I didn't include the crazy jeffri and jilli in the P5 version of the Crazy Calicos package (mad scientist page) so I've rectified that, as well as uploading the correct version of the old St. Bernard 2 breedfile. Phew, that's it for today.
04 July 2004
Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes! You know you're getting old when you forget your own natal day until it's almost over, LOL. Real Life is going like a fair just now, so no hexing done for you. But I thought you ought to know that I've done a lot of work on the tutorials pages, a fair bit of shuffling around and updating, hopefully things will seem more logical and less incomprehensible. The main tutorials link leads to the basic reference and tools page, and from there you can get to separate Petz, Babyz and Oddballz editing pages. I've tried to make things easier to find on those pages, too. I daresay it'll all be just as confusing as before, but at least I tried :-)
23 June 2004
Struggling to keep up with Life here, and I've just realised it's my birthday, woop-de-do. LOL. Anyway, for your pleasure I've finally managed to finish off the conversions for the Rhino, and have uploaded it for Dogz 3, 4 and 5 on the new "Team creations" page. I shouldn't think there'll be many more things on that page ever, as I'm not much of a team player, much more of a loner :-)
20 June 2004
Again a belated and sparse "What's new"; more of those pesky Real Life issues are being a pain and making it impossible for me to sit for long at a time at the computer. I've updated my links page, uploaded some rhino sounds which go with the rhino -- by Nicole now at APS with some parts plus sounds made by yours truly -- that I'll be uploading in a day or so as soon as I've got the conversions and page done. The "Real babyz" range, which includes the Egyptians, have been updated to look better when wearing nappies or pants or onesies etc. I can't recall anything else right now, let's hope the next update is a better one 8-)
15 June 2004
Sorry for the belated "What's new"; I've been having some Real Life issues, so only a few things have been done here in snatched moments. So, let's see what I've done since the last update on this page... I've changed the menu in hopes that things will seem a bit more logical. I've dabbled more in the .LNZ chunks of info; I think all three chunks have been updated since 6th June -- and please, the hexers amongst you who like to pick my brains, if you haven't already, do take a look at those chunks. They are full of the little tricks and discoveries that I've made over the years, so most of my brain-pickings are there 8-) Also some new info on my "infobits" page. Another of my ongoing modified .exe files for you; this time for the Babyz game. As usual, it has my own splash-screen so you know it's not the original, and it's got a "playscenes" menu as part of my attempt to get more scenes into the game, so far without success but you can get to the hidden playpen and the baby-on-desktop from it. Some updates to the links page, a beautiful gift on my "gifts from friends" page -- thank you!
06 June 2004
For Petz 5 fans, the mad scientist strikes again... For freeing your nursing mothers, you can either do it yourself or you can download an especially-modified exe file which does this and more. As a bonus, this modified exe contains three fixes; one allows your nursing mothers to come out of the Nursery if they wish, the second provides the "import from Petz 4" menu item, and the third provides the Petz profile as a menu item. I found it irritating having to partway open the carry-case in order to select a pet, also I sometimes want to see pet data without taking out any pets. This menu item allows this. I also changed the splash screen so that you know which exe you're using. Make sure that you keep your original somewhere safe -- this one overwrites your original, and I take no responsibility if it crashes your game. It works fine in my game, so if it doesn't in yours and you get abducted by aliens in white coats instead -- well, that's life. Oh, and if you see "Playpen" in the list of scenes to go to, I'm sorry, it doesn't take you there at all. This is my game's .exe, and I've been fooling around with it, so you get what I get.
And I've been given some lovely new gifts, thank you Nicole -- on my "gifts from friends" page :-)
04 June 2004
For Petz 5 fans, freedom for your nursing mothers! Minibyte jolted me into action -- she had a strange glitch in her game, and it spurred me into finding out how to stop mothers from being trapped in that horrible Nursery. Yay!
A batch of Oddballz Transformations for Cats 3, 4 and 5 fun and frolic... Yes, I know the Dogz version of mice was supposed to be next, but I wanted to finish this breedfile first. Daniel has been waiting far too long :-)
24 May 2004
Mices for your gaming pleasure... Guess which one or two live(s) in the hole. No prizes for guessing :-)
The Dogz version will have to wait for a few days, but right now I have the catz versions up for petz 3, 4 and 5.
21 May 2004
This Petzwarehouse site is occasionally unavailable again, so I've spent a fair bit of time getting my partial mirror sorted out. I've got it now so that all my latest uploads are mirrored there as well as the entire tutorials section. I don't have things like the external-lnz, the "catz in dogz", older breedz etc, or most of the sounds up there.
Well, the latest uploads here and there so far since 17 May are: some more details in the "mad scientist" .LNZ breakdown chunks, a bunch of faerie babyz with elf ears, and Butterfly chaser's Bedlington breedz for Dogz 4. I've also done an update on my real-life cats site over the past few days, for anyone who's interested. Hoping to get some more fun breedz up for you all soon, including the long-awaited mice breedz (the ones that look like petz game-mice).
16 May 2004
Not much, but I've uploaded the petz 4 bunny for Petz 3 International and updated my links page at last; I think I've fixed all broken links and put in interesting new ones. Keeping a links page updated is a pain...
Hexers may be interested in the "mad scientist" .lnz breakdown chunks, I go over those now and then and add in any further explanations that I think will be useful. At the top of each "chunk" I put the date when new explanations have been added and a note of where I add them, so you should find it easily. I think I've updated all three chunks in the past few days, but not yet had time to do the extra Babyz and Oddballz sections for you. Gimme time :-)
Most of the past week (apart from helping a surprisingly large number of people with hexing problems) has been spent with a large update on my foster-cats site, including a farewell to my dear Bog Sooty who went off to a new home. I hope to spend this coming week catching up with the hexing that I'm keen to do, so please understand if I don't reply to emails for a while!
10 May 2004
Just some new Babyz this time -- showing lavish use of polygons. Petz hexers, alas, the polygon feature is not there for you, but if you've got Babyz then it's a fascinating feature to use.
From babyz new -> Faerie babyz page
09 May 2004
The "Dogz species in Catz" for games 4 and 5 are now finished and uploaded at last. Also some more bits on the "infobits" page -- the "unsticking pregnancies" separated out from my earlier tutorials, and "getting runaways home". Mad Scientist Lnz-info chunks updated; more on the [Project Ball] quirks. The Duck-sounds version of the duck breed is now up, also my frogz which grow from tadpoles (for Catz 3, 4 and 5), and sounds for frogz and duckz. You get to the ducks via the New breedz -> Oddballz transformations page, the frogz via the Aquatic petz page, and the sounds via the Soundfiles page.
04 May 2004
I keep hoping to get some almost-finished stuff tidied up and uploaded, but time has not been on my side so all I've got for you is a couple of tips for people who use ResHacker and then get puzzling problems, and some more Mad Scientist stuff -- corrected some typoes and silly errors on two of the "chunks", plus how to change the door in your Petz 5 carrycase to this:
or any other spr file of your choice. Hoping to have my frog and transforms up soon, as well as a bunch of other stuff.
28 April 2004
Wups, sorry peeps -- the third text of the "mad scientist" .LNZ breakdown is up now. Also I've slightly improved the front page for the .lnz breakdown. And for Babyz fans who have been having trouble finding their brain-sliders, I've got them up near the top of the babyz easy-edit page now.
27 April 2004
As always in a huge rush, but I've got some tutorial stuff for you and my brand new Mad Scientist page with lots of info too, on how to make the kinds of changes that I make to breedz and babyz (not just the crazy stuff, LOL)
21 April 2004
It's bedlam here, so not much for you -- in fact, I did change one or two things, the Inbfobits page should be easier to find and I think I put something else up on it... 2nd-gen info updates, at least, if I recall aright. Also I've made downloadable adopted babyz of the two latest copy/pasties since it appears that some people want them and don't want to use the easy-edit package (sigh) get them on the Babyz easy-edit page, click on their pictures. Finally, a couple of babyz that are roughly modelled after Cleopatra in the film of the same name; get them from the Pharaoh babyz page. I hope to have more hexing info up for you at the next update as well as the duck sounds (yes, Sue, I've not forgotten) and another breed or two. Time... Aaargh...
13 April 2004
More stuff for hexers; a 2nd-gen update, a sleepy-sickness fix for inflicted petz, and I've updated the Alley-sickness howto with screengabs.
Also updated the species sounds page so that people making bear breedz and big-cat breedz can use the sounds.
Finally, the Pug and Scottie sounds uploaded. Just a couple to go now...
10 April 2004
Some stuff for hexers; three hexer items for babyz fans, get them from my Babyz easy-edit page, and for petz, a bunch of stuff especially how to fix your already-adopted Alley pets so they are not eternally sick any more! Yay! At last all Alley Catz can be free of fleas! Read all about it on my "more text bits and pieces" infobits page off my tutorials page. Sheesh, I need to tidy up... One day, one day I'll get the time ( whimper )
And a lovely gift for me on my gifts from friends page; thanks :-)
30 March 2004
Lots of stuff over the past few days: some link updates on the links page, and beautiful gifts for me on my "gifts from friends" page -- thanks! Also some stuff on the tutorials page -- a fair bit of new info in the 2nd-gens status plus making the baby stage different from the adult on my "text bits and pieces" page. Also some ancient Egyptian babyz (get to it via the "new babyz" page),
and my butterflie breed is now separated out and given a caterpillar stage (no crysalis, sorry, LOL). The Butterflies should breed okay with the generic Arthropods and the spiders, and you get them from the Arthropods petz page.
Also I've got more dogz sounds on the Catz and Dogz sounds. I think that's the lot so far this week...
25 March 2004
Absolutely zero time for any update today, but it has come to my attention that people cannot find my elusive spiderz -- wups! Sorry about that. They are on my "Arthropod Petz and Babyz" pages.
24 March 2004
Dearie me, so much half-done, so little uploaded, but never mind -- at long last I have the spiders separated out into their own breed, so that people who want to make their own from it can do so easily. I've put a big 'n' hairy version into it just for variety, and the breed is designed so that it should breed okay with pets from my Arthropodz.
For people who were unable to find my Duckoddz breed, it's on the page that's linked to near the top of my "New Petz 5" (or 3 or 4) pages. I'm going to be putting all my "transform" species together on that page, as the breedz are all based on the Oddballz transformations. Oddballz doesn't have the fluffy-duckling stage, of course; that's my own invention.
20 March 2004
LOL, you didn't wish hard enough -- my serious hexing got swamped by Real Life. Actually over the past few days I have managed to do a few things, just not updated the What's new: Updated my Hosts pages, including the addition at last of some alternative P4 clothing items for them, fixed up by Minibyte to behave themselves. It took me all this time to get around to fixing up their on-shelf filmstrips. Some new links which might interest on the Links page, some new bits and pieces in the tutorials area, a bit of tidying up of this news page, and a change of wording as regards the external-lnz breedfiles so that non-hexers can realise that they are for them also.
Oh yes, and some sounds -- Sheep sounds for my upcoming Sheepoddz (not ready yet), and Whale sounds for some cetaceans that other people are making.
Today, I do have something for you again and (I hope) more tomorrow. The latest in my series of Oddballz Transformations petz, for Petz 3, 4 and 5: Duckoddz, with added cute fluffy duckling stage. At present there is only the Oddballz-sounds version, and you will need the Modvark, Honker and 102 sounds if you want to hear them all properly.
12 March 2004
Some goodies for you -- none of them mine, but I was glad to spend what time I had today getting them up for you.
First off, a special treat for Babyz fans -- my old pal Sphinx has released some tools which are oldies but goldies. Get them via the babyz Easy-edit page, or the tools section of the tutorials page.
And, for Petz 5 fans: Sea-urchins and Parrots by Vickie! Grab Urchins for Dogz 5 and Catz 5, and Parrots for Catz 5. Update 22march: Her site is back in action now Vickie's Petz Zoo so I am no longer hosting them.
Tomorrow, and all weekend, I'm hoping to get some serious hexing finished off. Wish me luck!
11 March 2004
Is it really that long since I wrote a "What's new" -- Oh my. Well, I've not been idle. The main items of interest for you all will be the ant sounds (get 'em from my sounds pages) and Butterfly Chaser's superb new Swallowtail butterfly (from my "Not by me" pages). Also I've updated some links, produced a bunch of new "howto"s which you can get to on the "more text bits and pieces of info" link on my tutorials page, a small update on the 2nd-gen status report, a couple of fun items on my "gifts from friends" page (thanks, girls!) and another page full of old Petz 3 playscenes, checked and fixed where necessary.
28 February 2004
For Petz games, one more set of sounds -- the Dachshund, available from the Catz and Dogz sounds page. I'm getting there slowly... For Babyz, a bunch of items; an easy-edit file (actually a complete .lnz with instructions within the file -- do read them carefully), two toyz and some Snowbo babyz. Yes, folks, I've gone Oddballz-crazy in Babyz now too! You don't get the quirky Oddballz sounds though, sorry. There's a toy which overwrites your bunny, and the first in a set of "oddballz eggz" toys. They run away just like the bunny, but Zott can't quite get away...
Get to the babyz from the New babyz page and the toyz from the babyz Toyz page.
25 February 2004
For Petz II fans this time; all four of the remaining main Oddballz to Petz breedz, converted for Catz II. Also a new toy -- the butterfly Attractor for Petz II. It can produce some odd effects under certain conditions, which can be whacky and fun, but even if it doesn't do anything strange in your particular game, the butterflies love it.
24 February 2004
Finally, the last Snowbo family-member -- the Snowbo for Catz 1. I've made it for Mac users also; this is likely to be my last Mac item, as the struggle with that interface and tools takes ages and almost drives me insane -- and today, the catz folder kept disappearing for no reason I could discover. I just don't have the time for that kind of hassle! But I hope you all enjoy the Snowbo; he's got some cute moves.
22 February 2004
Quite a lot for you today. All the catz breedz external sounds are now up, also all of my sound-stripped catz 3, 4 and 5 breedz have been fixed up to use external sounds.
I now have the "game-foolers" up to allow people to play with my dogz-based fantasies and species in Catz II and 3; I know I said I wouldn't, but I've had too many requests for conversions and this might give me some peace :-) I hope to get the ones for Petz 4 and 5 done soon.
For Babyz players, the Easy-edit Attic and Backyard playscene kits are now up.
21 February 2004
At last, my easy-edit kit for a Petz 3 playscene... Sorry it took so long to put together, it's for the Family Room and is for International as well as English versions of the game. Also for Petz 3 players, my brand new Butterfly-Attractor! Get the playscene kit from my tutorials page and my butterfly toy from the Petz 3 toyz page.
19 February 2004
It's here for Petz 4 fans at last -- freedom for your goldfish-bowl fish! You get the circus "bowl", but you also get freedom for your virtual petz' pet! Yay! You can have the original "bowl" fish, free to wander happily around my new Petz 4 playscene along with a school of his mates -- oh yes, I've hexed you a scene from the beach too by the way, get to it from the Aquatic or P4 playscene pages. Ah, and also another version of the freedom fish, which overwrites my own goldfish tank. You can get them from my P4 toyz page.
18 February 2004
I improved my Oddballz "fix" info yesterday, and today I've got an easy-edit treats toy package for Petz 3, P3 international, and P4. Petz 5 fans don't have an easy-edit package, but I've got something for you -- a vastly improved environment for your little fish-bowl fish. My circus fish-tank overwrites the original. It works the same as the original, but the water and glass are so clear that you can't see them -- and the fish has a lot more room!
P5 toy from p5 toyz page, P3/4 easy-edit kits from Tutorials page.
16 February 2004
Just a few bits, but people want 'em: extra For Oddballz fans, A tiny fix that explains how to fool the demo of the game into thinking it's the full version; you'll find it on the Oddballz Easy-edit page. Also a new tip to change a pet's birthdate, on the "more text bits and pieces of info" link from my tutorials page. Links to a couple of great sites on my "Aquatic" page, you can get a school of fishes for petz and a mermaid for babyz from those sites.
15 February 2004
For Oddballz fans today, something brand new. An easy-edit kit to enable you to change the look of your toyshelf and the toys, plus a rough Egyptian-look version made by me as an example.
Get 'em from the Oddballz page, or from the new Odballz easy-edit link, or from the tutorials page. Also updated my "gifts from friends" and links pages.
14 February 2004
For Dogz 4 and 5, Butterfly Chaser's ant breed is now up, you can get to it via the "not by me" link. Sounds for it are not yet available. Also I've improved the "Cat species in dogz 5" with the inclusion of some info and the bunny breed if you are having trouble; also the bunny breed for the dogz 4 version in case you get crashes when that Host tries to come out. More for you tomorrow, provided that the sky (or a pile of relatives) doesn't fall on my head :-)
13 February 2004
Again for Babyz, a jungle Playroom for you made using my easy-edit kit. It's the scene I used for testing the kit, tidied up a bit. Also, for hexers generally, more little tips on my "more text bits and pieces of info" link from the main tutorials page. More stuff to come soon I hope.
11 February 2004
For Babyz players this time; four Valentine babyz for you, and an easy-edit playscene kit for the Playroom. Make your own playrooms, complete with closets and windows.
06 February 2004
The site is fixed so that you should always be able to see the latest stuff -- bless you, Abby, and thanks! And to celebrate, I have for Catz 3, International, 4 and 5 a special Oddballz-petz breed; the first Mystery-emoticon breedfile. It's non-overwriting because I got a little carried away... Dogz-only owners can enjoy them too with my special "Catz in Dogz" packages. I guess I was in time for Valentine's :-) Best get to them via the "Emoticon Petz" link, if you can stand it... I intend to do more, and if I can manage it something for Babyz fans too. Meanwhile it's time to do the evening chores; kitty-litter never waits!
02 February 2004
A howto for making mystery-emoticon petz of your own, by popular demand :-) get there from the Emoticon Petz download link. Also, for Babyz; spiders and butterflies. You can get them from the "Arthropod Petz and babyz" link.
01 February 2004
Emoticon petz for you to download. Work for Petz 3, 4, 5
31 January 2004
Had some struggles with the site over the past few days, but it seems to have settled down. Meanwhile, Babyz players will have already found the kiddie pond and do-it-yourself kits up at my mirror site, also I've updated my links and gifts from friends, and in some desperation put up a page of odd bits and pieces of info on a link from the Tutorials page (the bits are downloadable as a zipfile as well). Yes, I know it's hard to search for what you need, and when you find it my explanations are too hard to understand. Sorry. I do my best and, if it isn't clear enough for you, maybe someone else can decipher my wordiness for you 8-) And today at last, my Arthropodz for Catz 3, 4 and 5 (it kind of grew a bit from the initial idea).
Oh yeah, and I'm still nowhere near finished all the items that I thought I'd manage to get done in the days that I took off from dealing with email, but I got _some_ of it done, so the basic idea worked. Which means that I'll take two or three days each week when I'll not deal with email or forums at all; that way, I should actually get more real downloads finished for you all :-)
22 January 2004
An interim update for you -- I'm still not finished, so please don't inundate me with email, but I thought I'd done so much at the site I'd better let you all know. A Kiddie pool for babyz, a bunch of "Real baby" babyz, and major new stuff on the babyz playscenes page. Also, a great new babyz playscene for the fishes by Wardah Ahmar; the fishes (babyz and catz versions), along with the playscenes for them and my new Kiddie Pool for Babyz are all up at the new "Aquatic Petz and Babyz" page. For Dogz 4 and 5 players, fantastic new breedz by Butterfly Chaser on my "off-site special breedz" pages (Grasshopper and Whazzit). Sounds for those and for Smarti's butterflies can be found on my Soundfiles page. Lots still to come as I clear away the backlog -- Watch This Space :-)
18 January 2004
No downloads today; a nice shiny page to show off my pet's orbs from Ash, and my links page updated, not much else. The problem is a mix of Real Life and a full emailbox. Am still frantically trying to get things finished and pages up for you to download; not much I can do about Real Life, but my precious computer-time can be better managed. So this coming week I shall stop reading and answering email for a couple of days so that I can get some pages finished for already-done goodies, and a bunch more downloads finished off for you.
If you write to me, therefore, please please be patient; I'll deal with email later this week.
13 January 2004
In a huge rush today, most of what I've been doing at the site isn't very exciting for you, just fixing up background stuff, but I do have a couple more cat-breed sounds zips up, and a bunch of fishes for babyz. They are actually babyz, they just look like fish and you cannot dress them but you can feed them
01 January 2004
Happy New Year! I've got quite a lot uploaded today. For people with Catz 3 (English and International versions), Catz 4, and Catz 5, there is the Fishie and Boyz breedz. For people with the Dogz 3, 4 and 5 games, we have the Boy. The Fishie is inspired by Laura's brilliant Fish for Dogz, and Boy was inspired by Jess's hilarious Girl.pet. I believe that Jess intends to produce a Girl breed to go with the Dogz version of Boy. I'm thinking of producing a female version for Catz games too :-)