Small is beautiful
Here you'll find links to "small but beautiful" sites. There are sites out there with imaginative ideas, but not enough visitors. This page is dedicated to them.
Nikki's Magical Babyz
is an imaginative Babyz site. Nikki obviously loves her babyz :-)
A Pirate-themed Babyz site
Another creative Babyz site. You can download babyz and toys here, as well as clothes. You can also adopt unique babyz and have special tattos made.
This is a Petz 3 site, mainly a "crew" site but is supposed to have Rafael's horse breedz up for download. They look terrific. Unfortunately for me, when I tried to download them I got a "not found" error.
New York Petz also at this address
A great Petz 5 site with terrific downloadable breedz and playscenes!
nicki999's Petz Talk forum
A Petz 5 site where you can discuss the creation and breeding of Petz.
Grey Wolf 's "Petz Central "
A Petz 5 site which offers to find homes for unwanted petz, also Grey Wolf offers a Sire/Dam service with attractive dogz and catz up for breeding.
Flame Artemis Rhina Wolf's "Fire Flower Petz"
An interesting site, with new breedz sent to you freely as well as an upcoming Adoptions section.
LadyMarisa's "Erratic Petz"
An attractive and promising site, with great adoptions and downloads.
The Petz5 Palace
has moved.
Some fun breedz, including interestingly-textured danes and some really cute Muttlies! I love the Clown Cat breed too...
AvistA petz site
An individual site which has a couple of great Dogz 3 breedz for download -- a Mewtwo and Zimdogz with real Zim sounds :-)
Breedz by Becky and Sarah
This site has some of their terrific "realistic" dogz breedz.
Star's petz site Star Dragon
Star shows pictures of her early hexie petz. This site hosts the Sea pony breed, originally selectively bred by Rabidwolfie and now made into a breedfile.
Spotted Leaf kennel and cattery
Cute adoptions for Petz 5, carefully bred.
Katolin's Gryphon site
Terrific breedz -- go there, you need the Gryphon!
Royal Rose Kennelz and Cattery
A very attractive site, with some lovely scenes and sweet adoptable petz.
YodaSoda petz site
Some brilliant breedz and other items for download. Another must-visit.
ADB Petz
A site with cute petz 5 adoptions and litters.
Sarah and Ruby's Dogz 5 site
Very nice downloadable petz, but I've removed the link for now because they also post breedz without credit and, worse still, apparently they are hotlinking to other sites. I won't put the link up again until they've sorted that out.
Sketchi's petz site
Interesting adoptions etc
Marly's petz site
Useful breedz for download, with different ears (dali ears on catz, etc)
Rena's site
Unusual fantasy and wild breedz, mainly for Catz 5. Breedz are in her game section.
Hurricane Petz
Realistic dogz breedz
Calico Cattery & Kennelz -- CC&K
Some great adoptions, and cyberhorse pets to adopt for your sites.
Late Reaction
An exuberant site with plenty of cute email adoptions, and shows.
Kathryn's Petz site
An attractive site with information about the breedz, and -- hurray! -- great downloadable adoptions! :-) Plus plenty for you to do -- competitions, shows, adoptions etc.
Tamakin's Petz 5 Kennelz
A promising site, with attractive adoptions and shows that you can enter.
Griffin Kennels -- Fantasy Petz
Griffins, Hippogriffs and more! Go there for some great Petz 4 breedz!
Mojokins and Moonoracle
Great breedz, playscenes etc
Kamelot Kennelz
the Doobie breed :-)
has some great breedz -- mostly dogz but also catz and (soon) horses, and offers a "handling service" for dogz as well as adoptions.
Black Rose Catz
A site which is dedicated to showing and breeding catz. It is very new, but the owner has a positive outlook and high ideals for the game. Check it out!
Rebecca's Misty Petz has moved, and is now Tidalwave
Downloads and form-adoptions for Petz 4 and 5 -- already there's a neat playscene up!
Quarterelven's Petz site
Has some great downloads, including nifty remakes of some of my stuff!
Faerietail Petz site
Sweet breedz -- at present there's not much up for download, but in the
"Coming soon"
forum you'll see some tantalising rabbits which I hope will be up there before too long.
Laura's "The Glade"
Go here to get some great breedz, including of course the marvellous Gladefish and the popular Muttlies.
Sun Shower Kennelz
A site centred around show dogz. Some adoptions, but also you can download the Starlit Stablez horse breed from there.
Blue's site
Has a good section for Petz 3,4,5 with very interesting new breedz!
K9 petz
A very promising site with lovely petz 5 petz for download.
Kishi Kat babyz and petz downloads
brilliant new scenes and toyz, as well as handy tutorials for using Tinker :-)
Twincy's Babyz site
-- beautiful babyz clothing, wide ties... Go there, you know you need them!
Gold Bell Babyz
downloadable mermaids, Fauns and other mythical babyz. Great stuff.
Khito's Petz
go there to download Batz, and some terrific new fantasy breedz
darkFIRE Petz
is a very promising site, with beautiful petz for you to adopt. A Petz 4 and 5 site :-)
Meeronver's Black Mist Crittery
has some great downloads -- good breedz, useful "other files" and check out the clothes, woah! -- as well as excellent adoptions. For Petz 5.
Dop's Petz Pages
Original stuff -- playscenes, Screenmatez, downloadable adoptions.
DanielBB's Neon Kennelz
Great original toyz for Petz 3, 4 and 5 as well as very nicely made playscenes for Petz 3 and 4.
Natalie's Petz site
has great adoptions and charming Playscenes for your Petz 4 game.
Jade's site devoted to Yoshi petz
is an unusual and intriguing idea; it'll be interesting to see how the site develops.
Dawn's TODS site
is the home of her special Dalico breeding project; very interesting results, and she's worked out a clear set of standards for the breed.
Sharon's excellent site
Lots of great hexed items here. Sharon has Petz and Babyz and enjoys "cross-hexing" :-)
Sharon's excellent babyz site "Rubber Ducky".
Lots of goodies, oh yes.
Dress Up
A site with beautiful clothes for your babyz!
Costume Shop
Costumes for your babyz; everything from frogs to vampire teeth!
downloads and goodies for Babyz
chelle and abbi's site
for Babyz
Cotton Candy Babyz
Great hexie downloads for Babyz -- I love downloadables, and these are good ones.
The site no longer has breedz up, but there are fun find-its with super rewards as well as interesting shows
and fantastic adoptions... I'm sure you'll find a pet there that you can really love to have in your game.
Leisha Hankin's catwingzpetz
is a thriving adoption site with cute petz. Leisha is also building a new site at freewebs which will be interesting to see, called catwings cattery and kennels
Lynx's Golden Immortality Kennels
Lynx does some great selective breeding, and her pups are well worth adopting. Dogz 5 at present, although there are plans to add Catz 5 as well as Petz 3 and 4.
Melanieyeah's Honeytiels site
This site is mostly about real life cockatiels, but there is also a neat little petz section for Dogz 5.
Cheryl's Petz Corner
Some new hexed breedz, as well as interesting adoptions and a breeding service. Dogz 5.