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24 December 2003
Only a few small things on the tutorials pages -- a variation-stuffed Orange Shorthair .lnz and possible fixes for Babyz freezing. I really did hope to get some presents up for you all before Christmas, but I've had very little time and that little has had to be spent repairing my site. Apparently some berk hacked the Petzwarehouse server, which was why there was yet another outage recently, so I updated my partial mirror with my latest stuff and, today when the site was back up, repaired the deletions etc. The coming week is my peaceful-time, so I look forward to some good hexing and playing. With a bit of luck I'll get a bunch of goodies up before the New Year. Meanwhile, merry Christmas, and have a great festive season.

21 December 2003
Going gently berserk here, need more time time time, a clone or two of myself, maybe a way of fast-backwarding the clock (hysterical cackling)... Okay, today I have some "copy/pasties" to go with my easy-edit packages. I can't recall who first had the idea of copy/pasties, and my apologies if I'm treading on sensibilities here, but I'm desperate -- no time to write up proper "howtos", no time to finish off my range of winged breedz, so I've put up some templates for you. There are wigz and wingz which can be directly copied over the relevant parts of Dalmatian base .lnz files but will have to be modified as per internal suggestions for any other breed, and there are similarly wingz for babyz. Also a "howto" which might help some people who cannot get Babyz to run on their computer.

wigz on litterz wingz on babyz wingz on litterz
Am still working on some goodies for Petz fans and the rest of the external sounds and p3 international easy-edit package really are Coming Very Soon.

19 December 2003
As always, I've not managed to get anything like the amount of stuff for you that I intended, but apart from some fixings on the links and flowers pages, there are some goodies. First off, for Petz fans, check out my "Not by me" Offsite Special breedz link. on that page you'll see that Butterfly Chaser has made a great Saluki for Dogz 4 and 5; and for Petz 3, 4 and 5 Minibyte has made a great new playscene and swimming-costume for all your aquatic breedz. If you want some fishes to swim in the scene, get Laura's beauties from The Glade. I'm intending to produce some goodies for Petz fans myself (apart from the rest of the external sounds and p3 international easy-edit package which are Coming Very Soon) but for today it's another bit of fun for Babyz fans; look on the new babyz and babyz clothes pages.

Carolyna modelling earrings Faedrun

Above you see one of my oldest babyz showing off one ruby and one gold earring, and one of my new babyz, Faedrun.

15 December 2003
Some more of the external sounds are up -- for the Jack Russell, Labrador, Scottish Fold, and Tabby cat. Will do more tomorrow, including the International P3 Easy-edit breedfiles, but today got hijacked by chores and still I've not got everything bought and ready for the yuletide holidays (screams gently)...

12 December 2003
The Petz 3 English-language "easy-edit" breedz are uploaded, you should see the links to the pages in the menu. I was hoping to get more sounds up today but it was not to be; my little "foster family" has needed a lot of attention today. The big cats are spooked by the smell that the wee ones came home with, and the little ones are needing a lot of comforting. So not much computer-time today! And there won't be much tomorrow either, as I'm going to help with a fund-raising event with the people for whom I foster. So expect the next update some time on Sunday; with any luck it'll be the P3 non-English "easy-edits" and some sounds.

11 December 2003
Nope, still not got the Petz 3 easy-edits and externals uploaded, will definitely do so tomorrow, yup. Meanwhile I found four more babyz that I'd not uploaded (oops). They are up now, distinguished by flowers at ankle and shoulder and some with long hair. And for anyone who keeps up with my real-life foster-cat family, my three feral youngsters have been through their neutering today and I am going to spend the rest of the evening coddling them. They are so happy to be home, but very woozy :-)

10 December 2003
(sigh) So I didn't get the Petz 3 English easy-edit base breeds and sounds up today, but I did manage the "something for Babyz fans". New Babyz and a flower-crown for those who don't have the hairstyle but want it.

Tiswas modelling crown Verrie

Above, you see one of my newest babyz range, Tiswas (who doesn't have the winged hairstyle) modelling the crown clothes item, and beside her is Verrie, one of my new range of wing-haired babyz.

09 December 2003
It looks as if the site's okay, so I've uploaded all the Petz 4 "easy-edit" and external-sounds breedz. Hoping to get the Petz 3 English and more sounds up tomorrow, plus something for Babyz fans. Man, December goes fast...

03 December 2003
I'm not sure if things have settled down yet, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try uploading something. So here is a gift for all dogz II, 3, 4 and 5 players who want to play with my Oddballz-petz breedz. Download the catz behaviour kits from the new "Odd-petz in dogz" page, and read the installation instructions carefully. Note that although the game is fooled into allowing you to play with my catz-based odd-petz breedz, this is not the full Catz game, it's just a bunch of behaviours with cut-down .dll. If you want the full Catz games, you need to buy them.

25 November 2003
For Catz II players, the Bunny, complete with its own little sounds and some variations. Too hectic a day for more today, see you tomorrow

Bunny petz II

24 November 2003
Yes, I know I skipped a day -- the weekend was one of those "Eeek! Visitors!" and "Woah! Madhouse!" types. But today I've got all of the Dogz 5 external-sound and external-lnz breedz up, no more sounds yet but I should get some up tomorrow. Also a new item for Babyz; an "easy-edit" package which can be found in the Tutorials section and on my new "Babyz Easy-edit" menu link. And by "easy-edit" I mean exactly that; no need any more to open that huge babyzRez.dll file if you don't want to, and as with the new method for petz, you can edit the .lnz while the game is open. The Babyz Easy-edit page actually includes links to all of my babyz hexing tutorials and howtos, for the conveminence of anyone who is only interested in Babyz. I intend eventually to make similar pages for Petz and for Oddballz. Just gimme time (whimper)

22 November 2003
A quick little gift for Petz 3 (English and International) and Petz 4 players; the original Catz 1 squeaky toy, converted to those games for all your petz, complete with original sounds. Dogz like it, new catz like it, weird Fantasiez and Speciez like it -- as well of course as any catz that you may have imported from the original game :-) This was made at the request of someone on a forum months ago -- sorry I can't remember who you were!
Not for Petz 5, sorry.
More easy-edit breedz tomorrow, got no time to upload more today. Visitors. Aaargh...

Phantarella enjoying the Squeaky Toy

21 November 2003
The Sheepdog is up on the Petz 5 Easy-editing page now, and more original-breed sounds are uploaded on the Catz and Dogz sounds link. Also an "oopsie" fixed -- thanks, Winterfall, for the heads-up! The poodle and dalmatian breedz weren't working properly with their sounds, but they should do so now. If you downloaded those two breedz before today, I strongly recommend that you re-download them.
And yes, people, I'll be making sure to put up "easy-editing" breedz for Petz 3 and 4 too, Real Soon Now.

20 November 2003 part 2
Another breed on the Easy-Editing link for Petz 5 -- the Dalmatian -- and more original-breed sounds uploaded on the Catz and Dogz sounds link. I'm hoping that the next couple of days will see them all up, but I shan't tempt Fate by saying so :-)

20 November 2003 part 1
A bit of frivolity -- I thought you might be amused to know that every single Petz game, including Oddballz and Babyz, can be opened and run at normal speed at the same time. I've got screenshot up on my new "Pointless Info" link; it makes me laugh, so I thought it might entertain you also. The picture is about 170k; I didn't want to reduce it further because everything becomes too difficult to see.

19 November 2003
It's been a madhouse of a Real Life week or two here, so as usual I've not got as much done at this site as I'd hoped, but I've made a few changes today. There's my lovely new logo (thanks, Thowraa!) and my BCCA-member banner up at the top of this page, and a beautiful award on my "gifts" page. I've got a set of Catz 5 external-sound and external-lnz files up for you plus the Petz 5 poodle, also with external sounds and .lnz. The breedz that have both items external are intended for people who want to quickly and easily make new litterz or overwriting breedz without having to use a hex editor or resource editor -- all you need is Notepad. The external .lnz files can also allow you to change your breed while the game is still running; get a pet out of the Adoption Centre, make some changes in Notepad in the .lnz files and hit "save", then get another pet out to see how it compares with the first one.
over the next few days I'll be gradually uploading the rest of the ExtLnz and SS files -- the rest of the Dogz 5 ones and the Petz 3 and 4 ones -- as well as the rest of the soundfiles. I've removed the links to the patchfile versions of my breedz again, because I shall also eventually be uploading versions of the sound-stripped catz and dogz which work with these external sounds. External is the way to go, yeah!! Freedom! Ahahaha... (wanders off cackling madly)

13 November 2003
Just a quickie. I got diverted from what I was intending to do today -- and the result is a bit more knowledge about .baby files. We can now give an existing .baby some "eyeshadow"; yay! The "howto" is a short one, on the Tutorials page as usual. Illustrated here, you should see Cyril, one of my virtual family, with colourful eyelids.

Cyril with pale purple lids

12 November 2003
The site's back up again! Thank you, Abby, that was kind of you to work so hard to get it online! Well, I've been able to re-update the few pages that needed it -- the links, gifts and tutorials pages are back up to date now, complete with the two new tutorials on making breedz with external .lnz files and converting pets to breedz simply. More soon, I hope.

04 November 2003
Just a quick note, for anyone who has been worried by my silence these past few weeks; I'm fine now, have been not so good for a while, am having to catch up with Real Life before I can get on with the site and hexing, but have got one or two things done: my links page has been updated with some useful links, one or two small things up on my tutorials page, updated my "gifts" page (thanks!) and a page at my foster-cats site (Holly's page is finished). As long as I'm allowed the computer-time that I expect for the rest of this week, I should have better stuff for you by the weekend. Really. No, really. What d'you mean, you've heard all that before? Oh well, at least I try :-)

15 October 2003
Sorry for the delay, not much for you alas, just a "howto" on swapping personalities of breedz. There's still loads of stuff waiting on my hard drive to be organised properly for you to download, but time has been against me. I've also been struggling to update my "off-site" site about my cat-foster "family" to help cat-awareness... My latest updates have been there , if you're interested.

Alley Attitude Orange Shorthair

The picture shows an Orange Shorthair with Alley Attitude, and the example breed is for Catz 3, 4 and 5. The "howto" is for dogz breedz as well of course.

30 september 2003
A couple of breedz for you: the Wetterhoun for Dogz 3, 4 and 5 -- thanks to Puk for the petfile which produced the base data -- and a flealess Alley Cat with Attitude breed which has a load of ear and tail variations. For Catz 3, 4 and 5. I was intending to produce this as a tutorial-example breed, but I couldn't face writing the tutorial, so the breedfile is on its own for breedmakers to study.

Wetterhoun Varied Alleys

Note, I shall not be making these latest breedz, or any future ones, as patchfiles; I'm going to be uploading a series of soundfiles within the next few days which will be intended for use with my sound-stripped breedz. So all my breedz from now on will be sound-stripped but not mute.
Oh, and another page or two up on my site about my cats.
I had intended to get a load more ready for you today, but I got diverted yesterday into a little experimentation, and for those who wish to know, it's possible to run every single one of the Petz games -- Oddballz and Babyz and Petz 5 too -- under Linux, using the Win4Lin Windows emulator loaded with Windows 95. LOL! One of those facts that nobody wanted to know... I'd have taken screenshots for you, but I couldn't get the screencapture facility to work with it. Maybe I'll get Steve to take a photo some time. The next thing has to be, getting the Mac Petz games to run on Basilisk II emulator in Win 95 emulator in Linux... (wanders off cackling madly)
The men in white coats will be coming for me shortly...

23 september 2003
Nothing exciting for you, just an explanation as to why there's nothing up here for you yesterday or today -- I've been working on a site about my cats, and fostering, to help the Rescue Centre spread the word a little bit about helping cats. You can get to it at my "off-site" pages, or by clicking here. I'll be back to the Petz stuff tomorrow, but it took a surprisingly long time to hunt down and fix up the pictures that I wanted for that site!
Also, see my note above about the latest email virus. If you have written to me and think you should have heard back by now, by all means write again -- I'm trying to make sure that I'm not deleting genuine emails, but there is so much muck in my mailbox that it is just possible I might accidentally delete something important.

21 september 2003
Quickie info -- Wingz tutorial updated, new Babyz Playpens (patchfiles), howto change babyz playpens, howto make hidden toyz appear on shelves with their own graphics (for Petz 3, 4, 5 and Babys)
Got to dash, hope to have more for you tomorrow

Babyz Playpen

20 september 2003
Starting to get the mess of half-done stuff sorted out; first up I have some toyz for Petz 5 people. Some previously-hidden toyz complete with on-shelf graphics, and my mint bottle. I'll be producing a tutorial shortly to go with them.

Mint Bottle Butterfly

Also, an award from Darlene and her beautiful cats. Thank you!
Talking of cats, Boris went free yesterday at last. He was so excited when he saw me with the keys, and he tried to help me open the door with them... He became friendly too quickly to be a true feral, he must just be a long-term stray, poor chap. Well, he has his freedom and we'll continue to feed him.

16 september 2003
I'm getting hexer-withdrawal symptoms, but today at last I've managed to sneak in a bit of time to package up a few items for you. For Petz 3 and 4 I've updated my dung beetle so that you can see it on the shelf, also for Petz 3 and 4, I've made a Mint drink from the Milk bottle. These are part of my upcoming "howto" on making hidden toyz show up -- and hexing the previously apparently-unhexable -- which will be for Babyz as well as Petz games, but I thought you wouldn't want to wait for me to finish tidying up my notes. I've still got my latest tutorial on playscene-hexing to tidy up too as well as a whole pile of nearly-done items to finish off and package up for you and some pages to update

Mint Bottle Dung Beetle

I've also got a marvellous award from Megan & Jesslan of MG Inc, I'm pleased as punch about it :-)

I'm sure you don't want to know all about what caused the delays, but if you do want to know a little bit, then it's all to do with a poor feral Tom (Boris) that we had to trap and care for plus a cat-play extension that we were building at the back of the house. Boris is doing well and hopefully can be released tomorrow, and the extension is finished at last.
Boris Peace

07 september 2003
Sorry there's no real update, I've been dealing with a little problem which came to my attention on Saturday evening, when Nicky of Petzfriends wrote to me in a big worry because she was getting emails that upset her about breedz that people recognised as mine. I went to look at what was going on and found that indeed several of my Petz 5 breedz were up there, and that they have wrong ID numbers etc which could cause breeders to have big problems with game-crashes. Nicky and I have reached an agreement which should fix any problems that people may have with this. Read here if you would like to know more about it, and about how to get your pets to breed if you downloaded one of the conversions from her site.
Tomorrow, I hope, I can get back to my interrupted hexing, cats and kittens permitting :-)

04 september 2003

More brevity, but I thought you'd like to know I've updated Lips to take into account a couple more tweaks or variations

updated Lips

also the Petz 3 non-english version is up. Will speak with you all again soon...

03 september 2003

Very quick note, look on the Babyz toyz page for updates and new toyz, and the Petz 3, 4 and 5 pages for an Oddballz-to- petz breed for the catz games. Sorry for the brevity of this note, got a lotta cats demanding my attention :-)

Big teddy Lips

30 August 2003

And "tomorrow" didn't happen, did it. Sorry about that, I've got a bunch of stuff nearly ready for release but was interrupted by another emergency influx of kittens needing my help. My four little black babies are fit and well and off to a new home, but I have no time to grieve because of these three poor frightened feral kittens.

one of my three ferals

The photo of Tatiana's face is a bit blurred because we didn't want to put the three of them under more stress. My time has been completely filled with them the past two days, plus dealing with the distress of our two long-term foster-cats Candice and Bog Sooty who do not like these little ones at all. Things are calming down now, I hope to have some time for the site tomorrow. Really. No, really :-)

27 August 2003

Brief again, another tutorial (petfile altering), and I forgot to put the pictures on the Babyz toyz page, more stuff tomorrow I hope

Kitchen Goodies

26 August 2003

Very briefly, updates on the tutorials page, the Babyz toyz page, there's a Petz 5 playscene (hexed overwrite with the P4 kitchen backdrop), some Petz 5 clothes (wingz and wigz), and a nice basket in my "gifts from friends". Some other stuff too, just minor adjustments, and there's more to come Real Soon Now, but I through i'd get these up and out of the way first.

16 August 2003

Nothing for you to get excited about, but I'm pleased enough; I've got this page updated with info for downloaders and the "what's happening here", plus on the tutorials page a small FAQ-type "howto" for slant legs on dogz and round ears on catz, and I've at last got my latest gifts from friends up (many thanks!) plus the links page updated. Next update should include some files and should be soon; the kittens' tummy problems seem to have cleared up (touch wood) so my computer-time has upped from "none" to "a tiny bit".

12 August 2003

And here is approximately one quarter of the reason why my computer time recently has dwindled from very little to almost none, and why I'm slow with emails, updates, etc:

one of my quadruplet orphans

This is Spats, and he and his two brothers and one sister came to me last Thursday, the very day that little Zack and Tam left to go to their excellent new home. These 4-week-old babies have a tummy problem, so they are taking all my time... But once they are fit and well, I'll be back at the hexing etc again, I promise.

Site Address Change
11 August 2003:
please note, Abby moved the site to a new server and gave me my own domain :-D so the address is now http://carolyn.thepetzwarehouse.com/ The old address will redirect to here for a little while, but please bookmark this address now and make sure that any links to my site are correct

05 August 2003

A mini-update really; I've just not had time to do the updates that I want, but I thought you'd like to know that a bunch of different flea-less Alley catz are up for Catz 3, 4 and 5, including one which has Alley Attitude, and including a couple for the International version of Petz 3.

Flealess Alleys
Also some new and updated tutorials, including conversions between game versions, drop tails in catz, and better info on babyz growing. Complete with example breedz and babyz. Got to dash, hope to have a proper update soon, I've got nice gifts from friends to go up as well as some more breedz and a trick with Babyz spoonz. Time time time... I'm off to shovel catlitter now. I think that Zack and Tam will soon be taken from me (sniffle) to go to a good permanent home (smile)

22 July 2003

As always, later than I'd intended with this update. But I've got a bunch of stuff for you, and all the people who have been watching the progress of my foster-kittens will be glad to hear that Zack is fine now, and although he's smaller than his brother now it doesn't stop him from wrestling and play-fighting with him :-)
Okay, what's new... Well, I've updated the tutorials page; Kailyn has discovered a solution for the 2nd-gen nostril-outline problem, and I've slightly updated the filmstrip tutorials. Also I've started to convert all the breedz that I have as tutorial examples; they are on their own page, you can get to it from the menu (look under your preferred game's sound-stripped links) or from the tutorials page. Finally, a pair of brand-new breedz for catz 3, 4 and 5; the Jester Oddballz-to-petz breed, complete with its transformations (don't forget to get the sounds), and a flea-less overwriting Alley cat. Thanks to Sleepycat for providing the spur that got me finishing this project, and for adding a neat variation; if you go to her Yahoo group, you'll be able to download another version with nicer eyes. The Alley cat comes as sound-stripped only; I might at some stage give it downloadable external sounds. Any pet adopted from this breedfile will not have the original alley's fleas etc, even when you put the original breedfile back. However, pets adopted from the original will still have their fleas even with this breedfile in place. Sorry about that. And finally I've got a couple of lovely new pictures on my "gifts from friends" pages -- thanks! Phew, that's it for today...

JesterFlealess Alleys

10 July 2003

I know, I know -- "tomorrow" got a bit delayed (sigh). I must learn not to make predictions. This time I got delayed by a very sick kitten, little Zack, who ended up fighting for his life for several days. Here's a picture of him before he took sick; he's not looking as good as this again yet, but he surely will soon.

Zack a couple of weeks ago
On to the things that I have for you. As before, the observant among you will already have found that I've got some items up at my "not by me" off-site area; there's Butterfly Hornet's Buzzo, and Sleepycat's attractive Catz breedz. For more of her stuff, pop along to her Yahoo group. One or two things got fixed and some website maintenance -- Ocicat broken links, more gifts from friends etc. The next Oddballz -- 102 -- brought into your Catz 3, 4 and 5 games (don't forget to grab the sounds also).
102 dalmatians
Only two more of the main Oddballz breedz to be converted, and then I'll deal with the Catz II versions and other items mentioned before, plus loads more. How do people ever manage to run out of ideas?? What I need is time, I've got ideas coming out of my ears :-)

26 Jun 2003

Dear me, almost a month since I did a "What's new" last. It's not for want of trying, but Real Life has taken more of my time than I expected. Well, there are a few things for you now anyway, some of which the observant will already have found. There are some updates and a bunch of new items on the Tutorials page, a winged Calico for Petz 3, 4, and 5 and the next Oddballz -- Walret -- brought into your Catz 3, 4 and 5 games (don't forget to grab the sounds also). I hope to get the Catz II version of Walret done soon, also the Snowbo for Catz 1 is still waiting to be finished, but I'll be finishing off and uploading the three remaining main Oddballz-petz first.
My "gifts from friends" have grown some, and I've produced an "about me" which shows the kitten that you see below as he is now. Still bottle-feeding, but a fair bit bigger, bless him! His brother is doing well also, and the other cats are getting used to them.
I hope to have more updates for you tomorrow, but for now, cheers!

29 May 2003

Okay, a quickie notice for you -- I'm sure you've already spotted it, but still -- all the breedz except for a couple of International Petz 3 ones have been changed from patchfiles to sound-stripped ones so they should work for everyone who has the relevant game. Also I've converted the few remaining Petz 3 breedfiles to both petz 4 and 5, as well as converting the 20-30 files that I'd done only for Petz 4 and 5 to Petz 3. The new Petz 4 and 5 files will be found on the "new" pages, but there are so many new Petz 3 ones that I have spread them all out onto the various catz 3 and dogz 3 pages. There's a tutorial update on Variations. And finally, I have found the latest versions of more of my breeds and have replaced the old ones with these; I think that's all the "lost" ones found again -- Black and white Sphynx, Ragdoll, Pug (not the Petz 5 conversion, the older one) and Pastel Ecunny. If you like those breedz, I'd advise you to re-download them now. I had hoped to get a couple of other things up also for this update -- new breedz and at least one more tutorial -- but I have just been handed a litter of 3-week-old orphan kittens to bottlefeed and they are taking a lot of my time along with my other foster-cats. They really are the cutest things...

Real Life kitten

22 May 2003

Not an update, just an announcement for anyone who didn't previously read my screed above the "What's New" :-) For all of those who are having problems of one kind or another with my patchfiles, don't bother to report them -- I am already in process of replacing all patchfiles with sound-stripped ones which will be only about twice the patchfile size for downloading. I've already uploaded some, and the whole job should be finished tomorrow or Saturday. For those who are puzzled by what to expect, it simply means that sometimes pets will be silent when they look as if they should be speaking, but not always. Please read the included "readme" texts. If you're worried about sound-stripped files crashing on your machine, you don't need to be -- my various "Species" since the early days of the Bearz and Elk have always all been sound-stripped even more thoroughly than the ones I'm uploading this week, and as far as I know, nobody has yet had any real problems caused by the technique.

21 May 2003

Sheesh, eleven days since I last wrote to you all to announce updates. But I've not been idle, and the sharp-eyed amongst you will have noticed some changes here and there. Fixed up some things that puzzled people on the pages and in some "Readme"s, updated a couple of tutorials, found another couple of "lost" proper versions of my previous uploaded breedz -- Harlequin Danes with colour variations, and German Shepherds with colour and shape variations (drop tails etc), I'd recommend re-downloading these if you're fans of the breedz
GermanShepherd(Sarans) Harlequin Dane
-- and got well started on replacing the patchfiles with sound-stripped files. This last will take a few more days to complete, but it should stop all the problems that people with Windows XP, ME etc are having with my patchfiles running incorrectly. My Secret Wood playscene for Petz 3 and 4, complete with the toyz and carry-case, have been improved, and after due thought I have replaced each carry-case patchfile with the Petz .dll. In Petz 3 and 4 this .dll only contains some resources similar to .dog and .cat files, and it isn't much bigger than a large breedfile, so it doesn't increase the download size too terribly and once again it solves problems you might have been having with the patchfile. Okay, I think that's it for the moment. I hope in the next update to be able to announce some more new breedz and the completion of the patchfile replacements, but we shall see... Toodle-pip for now.

10 May 2003

A couple of new breedz today, for each of the games Catz 3, Catz 4, and Catz 5; Fancy Ratz, and Monkeys. These are part of my ongoing Oddballz-to-petz series, which is why they are all for Catz games. Oddballz by nature are catz-based, so I'm going ahead with getting them all done for the Catz games first. There are two versions of each of these breedfiles, because rats and monkeys are of course Real Life breeds as well as being special to Oddballz. The rat is a Transformation of Zott's, so you can download a version which uses the Zott sounds, but you can also download a version which uses real rat sounds. The monkey is a Transformation of Norvil, so you can use a version which uses Norvil's sounds but you can also download one which uses real monkey sounds.

Fancy RatzMonkey
Yes, I know I still have four main Oddballz to finish "converting" to Petz games, but these monkeys and rats were special requests which have been patiently waiting for a long time, so I got them done first. And I know I've still not got Snowbo and the others done for Catz 1... I will, I will, eventually. Time continuously overtakes me!

06 May 2003

It's been longer than usual since I last updated, but there are quite a few new items, something for almost everyone.
For hexers, there's some new stuff on the Tutorials page: Catz 1 tutorial updated, including info for Mac users and a colour chart; Babyz editing; updated Petz editing; and a rough substitute for the now-defunct OK Cattery's "debugger" including tips for Alley-cat breeding. Oh, and I updated the 2nd-gen report.
For Petz 3, 4, and 5 two new breedz each on the "new breedz" pages.
For Catz II, 3, 4 and 5 the Ocicat, on the Off-site special breedz page; the Petz II version is the long-lost one by Andrea Church, and the other versions are conversions by myself with variations.

For Petz 3 and 4, my new playscene the Secret Wood is now available; download from the relevant Playscene pages. It's best if you download the whole thing -- scene, toys, sounds, and carry-case. Remember to read the instructions. This scene, toys and case have all been created by me using nothing but a hex editor, Paint Shop Pro for the graphics, and an old version of Cooledit Pro for the sounds. I shall be putting my notes together soon for an updated tutorial on how to create playscenes and carry-cases for Petz 3 (and petz 4, but not using the playscene editor).
Secret Wood
For Petz 5, a "Skin" of my Secret Wood carrycase.
And for me -- an award! Many thanks to Miranda.
A few other small tweaks that I can't remember offhand, nothing important, just odd bits of readmes and link updates etc. Finally, as regards my investigations into 2nd-gens, I have come to the conclusion that some "2nd-generation" pet quirks have no solution; some have workarounds which I mention in my "tutorials" area, but most are apparently governed by something in the game engine. I suspect that whatever it is that causes the mutations that breeders find useful is also working against people with complex hexies. But whatever it is, I'm finding the investigations are just too time-consuming and frustrating. So, folks, I'm giving up on 2nd-gen investigations, but if I stumble across any solutions I shall be sure to update the "status Report".

22 April 2003

Another quickie, just to let Petz 3 fans know that I've uploaded another pageful of old playscenes (by other people) from the archives, including some that have been specially requested since I put up the first page.
I'm doing my best to get a bunch of other things done, including finalising Minibyte's little extra host-clothes "fixes" for upload, finishing a few new breedz that the requesters are patiently awaiting, a couple of "howto"s (on hexing your own carry-case in Petz 3 and 4 and one or two other things), the Catz 1 Snowbo/Mac tutorial, the completion of my own playscene... Where does the time go?

21 April 2003

Just a quickie, as usual I've not got everything that I meant to do done over this weekend but I do have a tutorial on bunny ears and fangs, complete with three example breedz, on the tutorials page.

Bunny earsmore bunny ears
Also the Hosts -- note that they are meant to look like that, they are exactly as the game creators made them. I've added a note to that effect so that you won't get too much of a horrid shock if you take their clothes off, and I've uploaded a page of Petz 5 Host pets which will come out wearing the relevant clothes from the Salon. The clothes were already in the game, but I've made it so that you don't have to go looking for them to hide, say, Wyatt's strange ears...

17 April 2003

Okay, it's been a busier Real Life week than I expected, but I have at last got all the Petz 3 Host clothes filmstrips done as well as those for the Petz 4 Host clothes, so all of those are up now - once again, thanks to Minibyte for her energy and help. Petz 5 players, if you want the Hosts to play with in your game, download the "pet only" zips from the Petz 4 Hosts page; you already have most of the clothes in your game, so I'm not going to try converting my Petz 4 versions for you.
I've updated the Petz 5 full-toycase "howto" and there's a brand new howto for Babyz hexers.
Another lovely "Site Fights Basket" from Antoinette on my "gifts from friends" page -- thanks!
And finally, a bunch of new babyz, most of which grow over a period of 15 days (including their hair). Some of these are referred to as examples in my latest tutorial. Find them on my new "New Babyz" link.
Happy Easter-time, everyone; I hope to have some peace so that I can make some promised breedz, as well as a couple of "howtos", finish off my Playscene, and play around with 2nd-generation pet problems. Obsessed? Who, me? LOL...

10 April 2003

I got interrupted a lot yesterday and today, but I do have a few things that you might like. For hexers, some promised "howto"s, complete with example breedz: how to put wingz on Catz and Dogz breedz, how to make a curl-over-the-back tail, and how to make ears that are down in a pup and up in an adult dog. Also updated the feathering "howto". I've also altered the tutorials page, so with any luck it looks better. More "howto"s to come soon, including something for Babyz people.

Tail and EarsWingz
I've got some more of my more up-to-date versions of Petz 3 breedz tracked down and uploaded; the Leaf Cat, Asian Snow Curl and Elephant in particular. If you downloaded those before, do grab them again as they are really vastly improved. The elephant's legs are joined to the body, for instance, and the variations in the other two are better. Also uploaded are the correct versions of Petz 3 and Petz 4 Pegasus. I'm going to be more intelligent about backups in future, so that if I have to re-upload the site again I don't do so with "bad" versions...
Leaf CatAsian Snow Curl

07 April 2003

Another "in passing" update; the LaPerm is now back up on the "Off-site special breedz" pages. Thanks to Carol (Minibyte), we now have the Catz 3 version as well as versions which will allow you to import pets from Catz 3 and Catz 4 to Catz 5. Thanks to Trina, we have a version which will allow people with pets adopted from Catz II to play with them in Catz 5. And finally, the original Catz II version by EPCPS is up plus a load of information, thanks to the old archive that Birgit kept up at the PetzGallery so excellently -- it's sad that the site has gone -- as well as the Catz 3 and 4 versions by Mitsy Kennels. You need to read all the breedfiles' information very carefully before trying to run them in your game. It took me all morning to get that lot sorted and patched, the page made and up, so I've not managed to get anything else done today after all. Maybe tomorrow.

06 April 2003

Not really a full update, I'm still working on a bunch of things like a madwoman here, but there are a few minor things. Trina's LaPerm has had to be removed from my offsite area due to some problem with it clashing with someone else's previous conversion. The more observant of you will have noticed that there is a new breed, the painted Wolf, for Petz 3, 4 and 5 on the relevant "New" pages. I've tweaked several of my older Petz 4 breedz, I don't think they will have been causing problems to anyone but they are tidier as they are. I discovered that I'd accidentally uploaded some slightly older versions when this site was moved a few weeks ago, so the Petz 3 Mongrel has been updated, as have my Maltese and my version of the JellyPink for Petz 3 and 4. There will be more of these, I think about half a dozen remain to be found and re-uploaded.


01 April 2003

A smaller update today; you may notice that the menu is slightly different. There is a link to an off-site page where you can download breedz of special historical significance. These include the marvellous Skyblue Kennelz breedz, for Petz 4, by Andrea Church; also a special conversion, by Trina, of the LaPerm cat breed to Petz 5. I've shifted the items which are not mine into a grouping of their own. So the old P3 Playscenes page is still here, just placed further down the list.

31 March 2003

This is the big one, all of the Petz 4 breedz have now been converted to Petz 5 and should be downloadable. There are so many "new" ones, now, that I no longer have them on the "New Petz 5 Breedz" page; instead, you can browse your way to the breed that you want via the "Catz 5 Breedz" and "Dogz 5 Breedz". I only have the Leopardz, Spotted Leopard Dane, and Chinchilla Fold up on the "New" page now; yes, I know that Chinchilla has been up longest, but it's there anyway.
Also new, those wigz I've been promising for ages -- I found where I'd put 'em, tidied them up a bit, and gave them their own on-the-shelf graphics; you can now download two types of Dreadlocks for Petz 3 and Petz 4, plus a Judge's wig. An aside to people who have the International version of Petz 3; it's a bit of an extra effort for me to convert to that version of the game, which is why you rarely see downloads specifically for you. I don't really know if anyone plays that version of Petz any more, you see. So if you do, and you want conversions, let me know and I'll do them.
I've tweaked a few of the petz 4 breedz to improve them slightly; they are the Elephant, Ponyta, Rapidash, and Pegasicorn.
And that's it for today's update. I'm glad I got there before All Fool's Day :-) For those people that I promised other things on the "next update", it will have to be the next one now, which should be only a day or two away; I really, really wanted to get all the Petz 5 conversions finished and off my plate.

24 March 2003

Okay, it wasn't massive and most of it wasn't on Sunday anyway. But the more observant of you will have noticed that the links page has changed a little, that I've uploaded some interesting info by Ron Tigat on the Tutorials page, and that a new link has appeared on this front menu entitled "Old Petz 3 Scenes". That link leads to a page of playscenes which are NOT mine; since it seems that all P3 playscene sites are now dead, Abby has kindly agreed to let me upload some old scenes there as a service to the community. Since they are not mine, I cannot help you with any odd glitches or problems you may come across with them; all I can say is they work fine in my game.
On to today's uploads. We have a couple of the Petz 4 Hosts updated so that the clothes look right in the closet, plus there's a pair of extra "sandals" for one of them courtesy of Carol (Minibyte). Also thanks to Carol we now have these clothes converted to Petz 3, modified by me so that they too look right in the closet. For the Petz 3 versions, go to the new link entitled "Hosts for Petz 3". The rest of Carol's Petz 3 Host conversions will be uploaded when I've finished updating their closet pictures.
Some conversions to Petz 5, plus one brand new breed both for Petz 5 and petz 4 -- as usual, go to the "new" page to get them.

I think that's all for this update; more later this week. I'm still trying to get my Catz 1 Snowbo finished, plus some more tutorials, as well as finishing off my new playscene, a load more conversions, and some new breedz. Yes, I do intend to port my new carry-case to Petz 4 (and I'll probably do a Petz 5 skin also), and yes I do intend to port my new playscene to Petz 4 (but not Petz 5).

21 March 2003

There's been a fix for mute petz 5 pets! Kudos to Julie of JinxFold Cattery for figuring it out; go here for an excellent tutorial on how to do it.
Meanwhile, at this site also a few things have been done... some fixes here and there. The pig-hog for Petz 5 which had somehow got lost has been uploaded; it's on the Dogz 5 page. Also a fix for anyone who cannot get their pig-hog pets to import; thanks to Anna for sending me the pets to debug that one. Yet another tutorial on changing dogz ears is up; chi ears on a Dane this time, complete with example breed as usual.

chi ears on a dane
The tutorial on flop ears on catz has been fixed -- I'd uploaded the wrong version (oops), thanks to Sharon Ranney for the heads-up :-)
Finally, the first part of my new Petz 3 Playscene -- it's actually a new carry-case which has to be patched into your Resource .dll file, so remember to make a backup copy of the .dll and read the accomanying text file carefully.
That's it for today, I did intend to mention some other things but I'm too tired to remember what they all were right now. If all goes well this weekend there should be a massive update by Sunday night. Even if the upload turns out to be not so massive, there'll be something anyway :-)

16 March 2003

Four more breedz converted to Petz 5; two catz and two dogz-based breedz. Look in the New Petz 5 Breedz for them. Fixes for people who have had trouble playing with Catz 3 Dalmatian catz in Catz 4 and vice versa; look on the first catz 3 and Catz 4 pages for those breedfiles and info. And finally, a brand new breed for Dogz 3, 4 and 5; look in the relevant "New Petz" page for them. Note that there is now a "New Petz 4" page. That's it for this update; I hope to have something for Catz 1 lovers in the next upload as well as the often-promised wigz, and something else a little different for Petz 3 players. If only there were more time in each day...

13 March 2003

A few breedz converted to Petz 5; three catz and two dogz. Look in the New Petz 5 Breedz for them. One new conversion for Petz 3; the "BlacknKhaki" dog.
I'm working on some complicated stuff (special hexed items, investigating problems for people, etc) whilst trying to get conversions done and deal with Real Life, so conversions are a bit slower than I'd hoped, but I do intend that they'll all get done eventually!

08 March 2003

Three Dogz 4 breedz fixed up or improved; Jellypink now has its own variation, Australian Cattle dog has a better tail, and Cockerdach should work on windows XP (I don't have XP, it already worked fine on Win95, so I'm jsut hoping I fixed it). Three new conversions for Petz 5; one cat and two dogz. Two new tutorials; drop tails, Chihuahua ears, and whiskers on dogz.

chi ears on a dali drop tails on a lab
and a lovely new award on my Flowers page! Thanks!
We have another batch of orphaned kittens to look after, so please forgive my brevity and slowness in answering emails.

04 March 2003

A few updates; some conversions of breedz to Petz 5, including an improved version of the Australian Cattle Dog. Also some conversions of breedz to Petz 3. Refresh or reload the site if you don't see two new menu items "New Petz 5 breedz" and "New Petz 3 breedz". Also a small update to the tutorials page (making "growing" babyz, which was previously in another tutorial but not easy to find). And some tweaks to the site -- the larger pages have been split up, the few remaining broken links fixed (I hope), and the only remaining corrupt files fixed. I think that's all... More to come soon.

28 February 2003

Well, it's a brand new start with a brand new look that I made nearly all by myself and that I'm quite pleased with, so I've shuffled all the previous news off into the site's news archive. I'm pretty sure that everything now works; only one link now leads to the "coming soon" page, and that's because the P3 playscene is not yet ready. (Yes, only one playscene -- it's the one I used for testing my tutorial way back when I wrote it, and it's being updated along with the tutorial.)
Also a small update to the Tutorials page, so as to prevent (I hope) some confusion over the "Reference" header.
This weekend I hope to catch up on the converting and hexing, if the kittens permit it :-)

27 February 2003

Okay, the pages for my Petz toyz for Petz II, 3 and 4 are up, also clothes for Petz 3 and 4; so all the files that I have online at the moment should be downloadable. I've created a page also that simply archives the older news items for this site just in case someone hasn't been here for a month or two and wants to know what's happened and when. I thought I might shuffle news items that are over two weeks old onto it -- I shall see how it goes.
Yes, yesterday's update was tiny -- the day erupted into vet's visits and other time-consuming and worrying Real Life happenings. But all is well today, I'm surrounded by sleeping kittens, so I'm sneaking in some site-fixing time. :-)
Now that the site is basically functional, don't expect daily updates any more; I'll be tidying up this front page and making one or two changes, but then I've got a lot of catching up to do on the converting and hexing, and these things take time so I'll upload and update when I've got things for you.

26 February 2003

Only some minor site fix-ups, but hexers might be pleased to see the colour charts are now viewable direct from the tutorials page.

25 February 2003

Not much, just something I'd forgotten to put up to complete the Babyz set -- the "play with a babyz online" pages. You can get to them through my main Babyz pages. This is for people who want a "demo" of babyz and don't know where to find it; Petz and Oddballz demos are much easier to find online, which is why I'm not doing those. I'll be uploading the final Petz (toyz etc) pages tomorrow, all except for the Playscene one (because the playscene itself is not yet finished to my satisfaction). Then I'll tidy up this front page! What a mess it's become :-)

24 February 2003

Today's updates are -- all the Babyz stuff is now up -- hexie babyz (including my kittens, angels, monkeys etc) plus the clothes (naturist diapers and Harry Potter glasses) and the toyz. Also I've updated the links page and my "flowers" page. Um, I think that's it for today's update. Tomorrow should see the rest of the linking pages done, and then I can get on with some much-needed hexing. Phew!

23 February 2003

Since Ron Tigat's site seems to be down long-term, I have placed my Gryphonic Oddballz breed (for Mac users only) up for download from my oddballz page. Also I've re-written the lost Variations "howto", plus added a few others and uploaded them to my tutorials page. You'll see the newest tutorials near the top. That's all for today, folks, it's been a hectic day here. We thought we'd lost Holly, I nearly went demented -- but she was fine in the end. Such a lovely little kitten, she's had so many problems but has the loveliest nature. "see" you all tomorrow, I hope with the final load of pages updated. I'm keen to get back to hexing!

22 February 2003

The graphics on the Dogz 1, Catz 1 and Oddballz pages have been fixed to look better. The adoptable Hosts are now downloadable; you can download the petfiles only, which will work with Petz 3, 4 and 5, or you can download the zips which contain petfile and clothes which work only for Petz 4 at the moment. Also uploaded, my hex-edited litterz. They are Petz 3 or 4 petfiles, but will work with Petz 5 also.

21 February 2003

First off, I've got a more permanent address to replace the old hex-help one. See my links page for contact details. You'll see that several pages have been uploaded this time; Petz 1, Petz II and Oddballz breedz area all linked (I hope). Also some alterations have been made to the frames in order to make the site easier to navigate (I hope). My heartfelt thanks to Sue of the Petz Boardwalk for her support, and advice and site-checking at this time!
I know that the graphics on the Dogz 1 and Catz 1 pages look odd, by the way -- I'll fix 'em up tomorrow.

20 February 2003

Only a small one again; I had some elusive tutorials to find and other stuff to fix up on the tutorials page, so that's what you're getting today. The Petz II and other P3 and P4 pages should go up tomorrow now. So, if you're interested in tutorials and howtos, take a look at that page. Recovered and re-uploaded are the whiskers and the 2nd-gen petz problems "howto"s. You know, the thing that amazes me about tiny kittens is how they manage to manufacture more waste products than you'd think could possibly fit in there 8-) So I'm off to shovel kitty-litter again...

19 February 2003

A couple of further inches crawled... The Catz 3 and Dogz 3 breedz pages are finished and uploaded, and some omissions repaired in the Dogz 4 and Catz 4 pages. I'll move on to the Petz II pages tomorrow as well as (I hope) the non-breedz pages for Petz 4 and 3. We shall see what I manage to get done. Sometimes I feel as if I'm drowning in fur and curious little damp noses...

18 February 2003

Another inch forward... Only the Petz 5 Breedz pages, but those _are_ now finished and uploaded -- I think that I have all current Petz 5 versions of my breedz linked for download now. Remember that for Speciez or Fantasiez you will want to download sounds too! Tomorrow I hope to complete and upload the rest of the Petz 4 pages and some at least of the Petz 3 pages, but if I don't manage them all at least you know I'm working as fast as I can on the job and then I'll do the Petz II, Petz 1, Oddballz and Babyz. For all who want new breedz etc, there won't be any until next week unless a miracle happens and days start to be 48 hours long -- or that kittens sleep all week :-)

17 February 2003

We inch forward here; many of the files apparently got corrupted in the move to the new server, so I have spent what time I had today mostly checking the files and re-uploading all that I found to be faulty. So all the files that are linked to on the Petz 4 and Petz 5 pages should now work perfectly, as well as the tutorials. I've also now fixed up the sounds files and uploaded a page from which you can download them. I had hoped to get more done, but with a bunch of orphaned kittens walking all over everything I do and pleading for attention, things happen a lot slower than I intend!

16 February 2003

Okay, I've been working at it in the moments that I've had free this weekend, and I now have a page which enables you to download the tutorials. Also all the images that are on the web pages (see the links above) now work again, and the downloads linked to on those pages should work. Yes, it's still incomplete -- but hey, at least I'm trying! And finally, if anyone has been trying to contact me via my hex-help address and have been having trouble with messages or files bouncing, please check out the bottom of my links page where I've put a temporary alternative. Phew. "See" you all again soon...

14 February 2003 Happy Valentine's Day!

A quick note for all who cannot download anything from my site at the moment. I know there's a problem, please don't write to tell me! It's only temporary. Abby of ThePetzWarehouse, who kindly hosts my site, has moved all the files to another server. Although this page is still viewable, it seems that it's no longer possible to browse my site through each directory as before. Also I don't see any way of making the images or links work; it may be that this will rectify itself soon, but I'm sure Abby will let me know how to fix it when she gets home next week. In the meantime, have a good weekend.

06 February 2003

Not very much for you on this update, as the past couple of weeks have been full of sick Real Life foster-kitties (all well on the way to recovery) and fixing rather complicated problems for people. So what I'm uploading today are a "howto" downloadable from here, some updates to my links page, and a Site Fights flower; thanks, Antoinette!
The Howto is the MoreAdvancedEditingPetzAndBabyzFiles tutorial which has been updated with more on how to change the outline colour of a picture in the Family Tree; that's why the zipfile's name now ends with Feb2003 :-)

23 January 2003

Uploaded the Giraf, converted to Catz 5; you can import Petz 3 and 4 petz using it, but read the readme _carefully_ and follow its instructions if you want them to look exactly how they did before. You can download the new breedfile from here. Also uploaded, with huge thanks to Carol (Minibyte), the Dogz 3 version of my Minihorse. You can download the new breedfile from here. Also, yesterday I uploaded some slightly updated tutorials -- one for converting from Petz 4 to Petz 5 and one for converting the data from Pet files to Breedz. Plus I put up my original (unchanged) Catz 1 and Dogz 1 tutorials for the Windows versions of the games, which for some reason were missing from this archive before. You can download the tutorials from here. More to come very soon; I've got some sick Real Life kitties to care for at the moment, so hexing time is limited but not stopped :-)

21 January 2003

Only one file uploaded today -- it was a tricky one, so took all my available computer-time. It's a fix for the bunny breedfile for Catz 5. It allows you to adopt bunnies from the Adoption Centre and to breed them. Once you've adopted your bunnies, you are strongly advised to put the original breedfile back in place until you want to breed them, as it is not compatible with the Back Yard and the Fantasy Castle. You can download the new breedfile from here.

20 January 2003

Uploaded a few more Petz 5 conversions of my breedz. The two Guinea Pig breedz for dogz, and the Unicornz for catz. More to come tomorrow. The Unicornz may not show up at the Adoption Centre if you don't have any breed that starts with a letter from further down the alphabet in your Catz directory, so included in the zipfile is a "dummy" breed. It's been edited too of course; although it's nothing fantastic, I include a petfile from that dummy breed also in case you want to see. The pet, Skeezix, will work fine in the game even though you cannot see its breedfile in the AC. You can download the new breedfiles from here

19 January 2003

This time I've uploaded a bunch of Petz 5 conversions of my breedz. The Gorilape and Horse Equus for dogz, and the Miniphant, Phantele and Draco for catz. More to come tomorrow. Petfiles will import fine from earlier games, but imported Draco pets will only retain their "skin" if you take a little effort and follow the instructions inside the readme after saving a backup copy. You can download the new breedfiles from here

17 January 2003

I've uploaded and made usable some pages that Misty (Acid Chaos) made for me; they look good to me and they should make navigating the site easier for people. The main Petz 4 and 5 breedz pages have been done -- just click on the pictures on those to download the breedz -- and the rest of the links go to the relevant download sections of the archive. If you have an older browser which doesn't recognise style sheets or frames, then just navigate around the site as before. Many thanks, Misty!
I'm planning on uploading a bunch of breedz converted to Petz 5 and some more tutorials over the weekend. stay tuned.

16 January 2003

Another hexing "howto", this time even more advanced stuff for people who want to edit .baby or Petz 3-5 .pet files. Includes items such as changing the outline colour in a pet's "family tree", changing the health etc in a baby, fixing a problem that occurs when you haven't named a newly-born pet, some tips on editing petz, and how to make babyz and their hair "grow".
More to come Real Soon Now; I had a hiatus of a couple of days when my year-old IBM hard drive crashed on me (faulty manufacture) and I had to restore everything from backups. Am back up to speed again now, with a nice shiny new hard drive.

10 January 2003

More for hexers; updated files, this time. The breedfile in HexingLopEars1.zip has been improved slightly, and the "howtos" in LabradorEarsOnDane.zip and GettingStubbornRunawaysHome.zip have been updated for people who have trouble understanding some basic parts. Finally, a pair of heavily updated tutorials on editing .pet or .baby files. The first, BasicPetAndBabyFileEditingJan2003.zip, is as it says -- basics. PetAndBabyFileEditingJan2003.zip is for more advanced hexers and includes all sorts of things from making babyz into walkers through rescuing runaway pets and dealing with some kinds of game crashes. Please read and understand the basic one before going on to the more advanced one if you have never hexed pet or baby files before.

09 January 2003

For hexers with a passion for ears, tails etc -- three new "Howto" zipfiles. There's Feathering Tails On Breedz, Labrador Ears On Danez, and PetEditingTabbystripes which is basically about how to change the furfile on a petfile. Each zipfile contains example breedz or pets which should help you to understand what on earth I'm trying to explain.

03 January 2003

A recall of a couple of breedz -- thanks, Carol/Minibyte for pointing this out! If you downloaded the Leopard Labz or the Leopard Coon cat, please would you re-download them or make the small changes to the one you have downloaded? The "Leopard Labz.dog" file should be renamed with the second L as lowercase: "Leopard labz.dog", and I forgot to give the Leopard Coon its own ID number. If you have a hex editor and you know how, you can change the number to A440. If these changes are not made (or you don't redownload), you may have difficulty breeding the labz or adopting/breeding the coons.

Also uploaded, a tutorial on really speedy outline-spot creation in breedz. Included in the zipfile is an example Dalmatian for Dogz 4 which has no sounds and will overwrite your game's breedfile, so please make sure you have your original somewhere safe.

02 January 2003

As promised, the rest of the Odd-petz (Oddballz to petz breedz) conversions to Petz 5 have been uploaded, including the Snowbo one for Dogz 5. Also uploaded, a "fixed" Pigz breedfile for Dogz 5; it's simply been fixed so that it will show up at the Adoption Centre and I have no idea yet if the pigz have breeding behaviour with this breedfile. The fix doesn't work for Bunnys, but I'll figure something out for them before too long I hope. And I've fixed a name on the Links page -- sorry, Sue! I'm trying to do too much at once 8-}

01 January 2003

Happy New Year!
For hexers again, two new tutorials: one on hexing dogz-type flop-ears in catz breedz, which contains an actual example breedz for catz 4; and one short item on fixing it so you can adopt Pigz in Dogz 5. Also the promised links page for places with tips, tutorials, tools and hard-to-find breedz etc. I've managed to get two Odd-petz breedz for Catz 5 uploaded now; Honker and Norvil. More soon, but for now I wish you all a good night and a happy, prosperous 2003.

31 December 2002

For hexers, a bunch of new tutorials: two on hexing lop-ears in dogz breedz (something I get asked a lot) which contain actual example breedz for dogz 4; one on getting stubborn runaways back for Petz 3, 4, and 5 without using the registry; one on converting Petz 4 breedz to Petz 5; and two on making leopard-spotted catz and dogz using the patch-on-patch method (these include example pets and template spot sections).

New breedz: for Catz 4, a Leopard-spotted Coon, and for Dogz 4 a Leopard-spotted Labrador.

Tomorrow if I survive the partying 8-} and get some peace, I shall be uploading some Petz 5 conversions of Wildz or Oddpetz -- including Pig-hogz, Anna ;-) -- and a page of links to useful places for hexers and rare-breedz collectors. Seems I'm on a roll at the moment...

27 December 2002

You can now download a new "FAQ" type tutorial; it's actually my piece on editing the Mice and Cockroaches in your game, updated and separated out from the main tutorial. People seemed to be having trouble finding it where I originally had it, and they also wanted to know how to do the job in Petz 5.

For Catz 5 owners, the Zott is now available for your game; go to the downloads/petz5breedz directory. More will follow before too long, I hope.
And for Dogz 5 owners, the Affelaffe has been also uploaded to the petz5breedz directory.

26 December 2002

Abby has passed over to this archive all 10 of my Petz 4 conversions of the new official Petz 5 breedz. Those breedz are now downloadable from the petz4convertedp5breeds directory. My Petz 3 versions are still in the petz3breedz directory. Just navigate to the correct place as usual and enjoy.
A note For people on hex editing breedz for Petz 5: editing them is similar to editing Petz 4 breedz -- but the furfiles are no longer inside the breedfiles, and they have to be sized correctly. So your bitmaps will need to be sized in multiples of 32 pixels each way (or possibly 16 pixels). 128x64 will work, for instance, whereas 120x65 will crash your game.

12 December 2002

I should have updated this page a few days ago really, but I've been too busy hexing and uploading -- as well as figuring out the new stuff in Petz 5 from a few bits and pieces (without actually having the game), which has been pretty tricky...
So, now Santa Claws has something for all you Dogz owners at last! Ho ho ho -- here is what the elves have been working on especially for you; your very own Snowbo! I decided that, although true Oddballz were Catz by nature, some of them could morph across into dogzdom and help to spread oddzballness even into the farthest reaches of the Petz world.

You will see here, in the picture above, a primitive version of Snowbo; this is the basic chap from which the Dogz strain evolved, for both the original Dogz games too (Mac and Windows).
NOTE for Mac Dogz 1 players; I'm sorry, the Snowbo sounds will not work in your game.

New for Catz 5 owners, here's a new breed; the Chinchilla Fold.

The tutorials section has a couple of new files also: FullToyCase_p5.zip is intended to help people who want to hex toyz and see them immediately in the carry-case (and to help people who have gathered all the toyz but have then lost them all again). It also includes a discussion on the new "filmstrip" format which might help hexers a little. PetpicToBmp_p5.zip is an attempt to help you extract the bitmap that's inside a petfile, since the wonderful "pet2bmp.exe" does not work for 24-bit graphics. It may be that someone with programming expertise will see this and will be able to alter the source code of pet2bmp for us all. Remember, though, that the extracted image will not work as an Adoption Centre picture without conversion to 256 bitmap form. The Adoption Centre bitmap is one of the few places in Petz 5 where graphics are not now 24-bit.

Finally (for the moment) I have fixed a problem which hat-lovers were having with the Wolf Rlysk; if your pets break out in laser-lines from the head whenever you try to put hats on them, then re-download the breed. You will find that they can wear headger with panache now :-)