Butterfly Chaser's Breedz for Dogz games

This is an index page to all of the Butterfly Chaser breedz that are hosted here.

Please do not copy Butterfly Chaser creations without permission; the creator may be contacted via the email address included in the breed's zipfile.
Some of the breedz are for Dogz 4 only, or for Dogz 4 and Dogz 5 only, since neither I nor Butterfly Chaser has had the time to convert them to Dogz 3 or Dogz 5. If you want them in a different version of the game, use LNZPro to convert to Unibreed -- but for your own use only, please, do not distribute converted files.
Cool Eyed Black Back Jackal
BH Bedlington
Swallowtail Butterfly
Bu Saluki

And, in collaboration with Carolyn Horn:
The breedz below are available for Dogz 3, Dogz 3 international, Dogz 4 and Dogz 5.
Great Tree
This breed is a Unibreed. Also, it speaks "Spinosaurus".

People with Catz-only versions of the game can of course use my "Catz in dogz 4" files to play with these Dogz-based breedz.