Butterfly Chaser's Breedz for Dogz games

Click breed photo or name to download.

Please do not copy Butterfly Chaser creations without permission; the creator may be contacted via the email address included in the breed's zipfile.

Page: Swallowtail . Ant . Grasshopper . Whazzit . Buzzo . Bu Saluki

* Buzzo (odd) for Dogz 5
/ Buzzo (normal) for Dogz 5
Buzzo sounds
* Buzzo (odd) for Dogz 4
/ Buzzo (normal) for Dogz 4
* Buzzo (odd) for Dogz 3
/ Buzzo (normal) for Dogz 3

* the "odd" version of the Buzzo has some unusual behaviours. The "normal" one is more dog-like in the way it behaves. Both have been well tested.

Here's what the creator tells us about this unique breed:
No one really knows where the Buzzo came from. Scientists have spent several hours and tax dollars to try and figure it out. Some think it came from somwhere in outerspace, while others think it started as a science lab experment run amok. Whatever the case, the Buzzo exists for any petz owner who wants one. Please be sensitive to its feelings; it is awkward to be half a dog and half an insect!


Mars for Petz 5 only

The ideal environment for your Buzzos and Whazzits.

Page: Swallowtail . Ant . Grasshopper . Whazzit . Buzzo . Bu Saluki