anim-wdk-x.gif (8903 bytes)

Clip Art
Dogz Portraits

Catz Portraits

Bones Fish

Text 1

arw_red_r.gif (57 bytes) Text 2 Paws Blue Green

buttons.gif (879 bytes)
Text 2
Subtle text-only buttons.Right-click and copy the ones you want to your web site graphics folder! These buttons are located inside your Web Fun Pack "Buttons" folder.
adopt_n.gif (3093 bytes) ct_shw_n.gif (3105 bytes) dg_shw_n.gif (3108 bytes)
next_n.gif (1793 bytes) back_n.gif (1740 bytes) breeds_n.gif (3090 bytes)
kennel_n.gif (3121 bytes) links_n.gif (3091 bytes) sounds_n.gif (3078 bytes)
galry_n.gif (3103 bytes) chat_n.gif (3108 bytes) text2-blank.gif (2882 bytes)
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