anim-wdk-x.gif (8903 bytes)

Clip Art
arw_red_r.gif (57 bytes) Dogz Clip Art Catz Clip Art Petz Combos Cool Toyz
Bunnyz Pigz

clipart.gif (875 bytes)

Dogz Breedz - Scotties
Scotties seem to value time well spent
- usually expressed as the diligent pursuit of frequent and varied merriment! To adorn your web page with any of these Scottie Pix, right-click on the ones you want, then copy them to your web site graphics folder. These Scotties images are inside your Petz Web Fun Pack "ClipArt" folder.

scott03.gif (2528 bytes)

scott04.gif (2475 bytes)

scott02.gif (4421 bytes)

scott05.gif (2671 bytes)

scott01.gif (3403 bytes)

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