Download textures & wallpapers

For your creative and decorative pleasure, this page hosts sets of Petz-compatible bitmaps that can be used as external textures and/or playpen wallpapers. Some of these will look good on hexies, some of these will look good on clothing items, some of these will look good as playpen wallpaper, and some of these will not look good no matter what you try to do with them. The world is your oyster! Please give credit where credit is due and do not redistribute any of these files. Please note that Petz 5 does not have a playpen and requires textures to be a multitude of 8x8 pixels, so some of these bitmaps cannot be used to hex things for Petz 5. You will need Winzip or a similar program to open these files.

Kitsune's Shimmery Textures

This pack contains 52 different textures by Kitsune that make the untexturable colours look nice and shiny!

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Cherub Textures

A valetine's variation of the classic wizard texture! The pack contains many varieties, and the texture is free to edit (recoloring and/or retexturing, with appropriate credit). I also take requests for recolors to add to the pack!

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Animal Crossing Texture Masterpack

This pack contains a total of over 200 textures from Animal Crossing, including grass, wallpaper, flooring and clothing patterns.

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Stardew Valley Textures

A small collection of 61 textures edited from Stardew Valley sprites! Most are made from wallpaper and flooring, but there are a few textures based off of miscellaneous bits too.

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Petz 5 Cat Textures

These are the furfiles the game uses for the Honey Bear, Egyptian Mau, Scottish Fold and Desert Lynx, optimized for external use by Pinto.

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Clothing Textures

This pack contains 51 normally inaccessible textures used in the game's clothing items, extracted by Sharebear.

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Reindexed Bunny Textures

All textures associated with the Bunny breedfile, externalized and reindexed to the correct palette so their colors behave more predictably when applying transparency.

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PC Members Texture Pack

This pack contains 51 textures generated by Pixray, using various PC members' names, site names, aliases, etc. as prompts. Each comes in three sizes; the largest large enough to work as a playpen wallpaper on a large screen, the smallest small enough to look more or less recognizable on a pet.

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Petz 1 Playpen Wallpapers

Blast from the past! These 13 wallpapers were pulled straight from the original Dogz and Catz games, completely unedited save for conversion to make some of them compatible with the newer games.

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Pawprint Wallpapers

No less than 50 recolors of the Petz 1 pawprint wallpaper.

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Pokémon Stitch Wallpapers

This pack contains over 500 pokémon wallpapers, including but not limited to every single pokémon from generation I through IV! The patterns come from the official, unfortunately discontinued Pokémon Shirts by Original Stitch.

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PF Magic Playpen Wallpapers

A set of 10 wallpapers for the playpen, edited from various Petz, Babyz, and Web Fun Pack graphics for that authentic, PF Magic feel.

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Greenscreen Playpen Wallpapers

Solid, unnaturally colored playpen wallpapers for easy transparency and other editing purposes! Comes in different shades of green, grey, and purple, to accommodate different petz and avoid unnecessary eyestrain.

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Miscellaneous Playpen Wallpapers Masterpack

An ever-growing set of currently over 90 (almost) seamless pattern wallpapers for the playpen, edited from free-to-use (CC0) stock images found around the web. Includes some wallpapers originally made for PUGS and various community events. Last added to: November 2024.

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