As many people know, horror is my special interest, and I'm kind of obnoxious about it. I promise it's not on purpose lol. Anyway, I decided I should have a separate page to highlight my spooky Petz! They're also on the other hexie crew pages, but they're here too 'cuz they're special. Thank you so much to all of the hexers who have fueled my weird obsession with creepy stuff. Please note that this page is chronically out of date v_v;;


From Mortis @ Bad Death
Accursed is my first and (as of now) only commissioned hexie, based off of the prompts 'waterlogged' and 'vengeful ghost'. Mortis did a fabulous job with it - she came out so cool!! It's also fun to see my waterlogged palette in action.


From Barguestspirit
Toto got this little lady from a PCG Petz swap and later MPA'd her to me. I dug her up out of my depths of my email in 2024 while searching for old hex files of my own and DAYUMN. How could I forget about this old girl!? Look! Look at the eyeball! Might this be the platonic ideal of hexies? I think it must be.


From me
There's no interesting backstory here, but I like to think he's pretty cool. Instead of a little story, I'll leave you with this fun fact: the alien from Alien 3 was originally a whippet in a costume, which is maybe my favorite piece of horror trivia ever.


From Queenie @ Phantasmagoria
I love malware themes in hexies, since it really is basically zombie-ism/ghost possession/whatever for Petz, so when I saw it, Queenie's Corrupted Cat file was on my wishlist immediately. A few months later, after I vaguely mentioned trading, Queenie gave me Bluescreen out of the blue (lol). I'm so happy to have him!


From LunarLex
This file of Lily's is 'clingy' and hard to customize, so imagine my delight when I was able to trade for one for one of my Mulholland Danes! As I said above with Bluescreen, I really love the concept of malware as a theme in horror-y Petz, so I was drawn to it immediately. I love how he glares!


From Sharon @ Aida
"u ever just know hell is real and ur going there (petz related)" - Sharon

The Brain

From Sharon @ Aida
Look at this little weirdo!! I got a play-by-play of Sharon hexing this and was lucky enough to snag it as a freebie. I'm super impressed by the brain tbh, that kind of addball work would make my brain fizzle out, ha.


From CatCreature
This file of Lily's is 'clingy' and hard to customize, so imagine my delight when I was able to trade for one for one of my Mulholland Danes! I love malware themes in hexies, since it really is basically zombie-ism/ghost possession/whatever for Petz- but it's so underutilized (and I'm not helping lol), so it's really cool to see!


From Slimecat
I got Carnohan from a hexing service and forgot about her in the ten years since I had her in my game (long story). When I recovered her and was reminded of her origins, I actually laughed out loud. I'm nothing if not consistent!


From me
A simple little lady, but I like her. I was already planning on keeping one of these to add to my little spooky thing collection, but the one I adopted to take archive pics of turned out to be a trickster, so that's fun!


From LunarLex
Lex and I both participated in a hexing challenge in Hexers' HQ: hexing a poodle without removing any of the haircut. I made a banana split poodle and she made this, which honestly could whip my poodle's ass. I don't say this in a self-deprecating way; Cthoodle is just *so cool.*


From Shortbread
Not a horror hexie on purpose, but like ... come on, she's literally just an organ. It's gore. Whatever. Her name is short for C. Diff, for reasons that you can probably gather. Sorry.


From Shortbread
Shortbread liking intestine-themed Petz because of physical disability 🤝 me liking intestine-themed Petz because of autism. Solidarity! Gutz was a gift from them, which I'm still delighted by because this is easily my favorite file of theirs. Look AT him!!!

Hell Cat

From Amradel
The world's cutest demon! I recieved him in an RKC Halloween swap. I might be biased, but I think a meezer base was perfect for him. They always look so angry. I'm enamored with his name, too. Like, yeah, that sure is a Hell cat! Look at him, he's even got a devil tail.


From Leonora
This one was pretty thoughtful in origin- since I'd been showing off my hex (seen a bit below), Leonora showed me theirs as well, and when I reached out to trade, they gave it to me for free since they liked how enthusiastic I am about :") I can't help it, I latch onto things that scare me. Exposure therapy, I guess?


From me
Beyond the Black Rainbow is a bad movie, but it's visually stunning, so here's this guy who was inspired by it. I honestly kind of only kept a copy so my girl Lup could get a boyfriend, but they don't like each other, so that was pretty useless.


From simplearcticfoxes
I wasn't sure how I wanted to have this lovely fox customized when I traded for it, so Winter/simplearcticfoxes offered to make it horror-themed, which was the point at which I realized I have a little bit of a reputation lol. We couldn't get all her textures to work in the end, but she's rockin' the pink snout. It's fine.

Mr. Ground Beef

From LunarLex
Mr. Ground Beef doesn't have much of a backstory, but I think he's super neat! Lex is a great hexer and I'd wanted one of her skeledogs for ages :3 He came with the name and I think it's probably the best name any pet has ever had. That's Mister Ground Beef to you!

Mr. Smiley

From Domino
Mr. Smiley is the oldest hex I have, and I was jazzed to get him at the time- much like I was jazzed to recover his file, which I hadn't compulsively MPA'd at the time. It was especially nice because he was a gift; Domino saw my request thread on RKC and graciously made one for me. 11-year-old me would be amazed to know I now have 3 Smile.dogs, ha. (Yes, I lied about my age when I first joined ... Don't tell Ratqueen :p)


From me
Maybe the most ambitious thing I've ever hexed- I had to keep one for myself. It was all a bit of a haze ... Anyway, she's named after a type of vengeful spirit in Japanese folklore. Think of the 'white dress and long black hair' thing.


From Megan @ Xoops
Eee Poltergeist!! I wasn't able to get a Ghoshie when Megan had them up on PUGS, so I spent a couple months silently moping around and wishing I had one of these lil guys but being too shy to ask for a trade. When the WhiskerWick Stocking Stuffer event rolled around, I was delighted to find Poltergeist in my stocking! The day is saved! 💖👻


From Dew @ Insanity
Ah, Dew, my sister in spooky hexies! I got this lil lady from her fall festival booth at Duke's Group as a reward for lightly brexing Labcat. She's perfectly Halloweeny; I love her vibe to bits! She's like something you'd see in a decked-out front lawn during the spooky season.


From me
This guy is only loosely horror-based, but I'm counting him because technically his file was inspired by the Saw series, I guess? Actually, it's a long story, but he does have the Saw vibe. I only adopted him to take archive pix but I couldn't resist keeping him when I noticed he was a trotter. I think his name is pretty cool, too, if I may say so myself.


From me
Not much to say about her that I didn't say about Sadako (below), but she's fun! I didn't adopt one for ages after I hexed my Sadako Dali file, but eventually, I thought to myself, "what's better than two Sadakos?"


From me
She's Sadako. She's a meezer. What else is there to say? Oh yeah, she does tricks. I'm thinking if I wish hard enough that she'll crawl out of my screen like her namesake and we can hang out. I'll get back to you on that.

Salami Face

From me
The result of hexing so intensely that I gave myself nerve pain. I think I really peaked with her. She was originally just named The Thing, but Bard (who'd cheered me on during the process) nicknamed her Salami Face, so of course I had to change it.


From me
A self-indulgent little hex for a P5 hexing challenge. She's named after Shaun of the Dead, although the titular Shaun never becomes a zombie, so I guess it's sort of inaccurate. Semantics.


From me
Gee Kieran! How come your mom lets you have three Smiledogs? I'd already had a hex for many many years, but I wanted to try my hand at making one. So here's this! If you want a picture of him not looking like a goofus, go check the main hexed Dogz page, because this is the one I just have to showcase.


From Sharon
AWOOOOOO!!! I missed the sale for these on WhiskerWick, so Sharon and I traded, and I'm SO GLAD I reached out because look At him. Snaggle is a huge goof and super fun to put in different hats cuz his big ol' head makes them all huge. He's the perfect wolfy boye and I love him very very much.


From me
Free Petz to Good Home was absolutely LIFECHANGING, so obviously I had to hex the hagfaced hound. This was originally going to be a prize for a creepypasta contest, but nobody entered, so I gave Minmo @ Aquarium a copy and also kept one for myself.


From LunarLex
Another Fall Festival pet! This time it was the luck of the draw, and I didn't even realize I'd won them at first- Lex had to DM me and be like "dude do you like... want that tabby or". AND I DID. THEY'RE PERFECT. All three of them! Cerberus as a cat is a very fun concept in general.

Tinsel Terror

From nalamittenz
I would not have guessed there would be Petz like these at the Duke's Group Advent, but I'm beyond delighted that there were! Truly the coolest beast ever. The eye is made so that it's always looking at the player at any given time, which is awesome, and I'm seriously in awe of how long the whole thing must have taken to make. I'd never have the patience!


From me
Inspired by perhaps one of the most famous horror manga ever (not that I'm an expert). Technically Uzumaki is about spirals, but I didn't know how to make spirals yet when I made it, and I think I still captured the vibe alright. The tail's a spiral. It's fine.


From me
Another dog I adopted to be Lup's boyfriend, which was also futile. But still, this is one of my favorite files of mine, so he's staying in my crew. Everyone needs to read the Southern Reach series right this instant. For me :)


From Sharon
I'd been going through old messages in a Petzy friends server and admiring a BWS file of Sharon's that I forgot about but was too shy to ask for a custom of. Out of nowhere the next day she messaged me and asked if I wanted the file to mess around with! I was thrilled, of course. VHS was inspired by The Ring, of course, since I'm deep in the hyperfixation trenches.


From CatCreature
Another hexie from the RKC Halloween swap that's juuust spooky enough to put here. Lily did something adorable with this one- the left and right eyes are switched, meaning that instead of doing the relaxed dali expression, he glares at the player. So cute! So angry!!


From PeachPup
From a trade with PeachPup, who wanted a Baby baby. I had no idea they were so valuable lol- my little guy is a star! Anyway, I just adore this file so of course I jumped on the opportunity to ask for a hellhound 💖 She loves the devil horns, even though she breaks them with all her linez.