All downloads are for Petz 4 and okay to convert unless otherwise specified. Click on the picture to download.Breedfiles

Manx - Unibreed, PKC accepted, though that doesn't mean much nowadays.

Mixie Hexing Bases - I'd bred some mixies that I thought might be fun to hex on, so here they are, converted into blank breedfiles to use as you wish. Just remember to give me credit for the base! You should also totally show me what you made so I can gush over it :-) But that last part isn't required.
Note: the mini alley must be renamed to despite its alley face due to its personality.

Selective Breed Hexing Bases - What it says on the tin; hover for names if you don't recognize them.
Note: the velveteen must be renamed to despite its BWS face due to its personality.

My Little Pony Hexing Bases - Do people still like this show? (Overwrites the Maine Coon.)

Triggerfingers' MLP Hexing Bases - G3 and G4 pony bases, made by Triggerfingers and hosted here with permission. (G3 overwrites the Great Dane; G4 overwrites the Dalmatian.)

Mossball - I wasn't about to bother putting this in my archive, so here it is as a freebie. (Overwrites the Calico.)

Housecat - A spiffed up that you can make into your real life cat, a cat OC ... anything you want! Eye textures are from Chimes; if you don't want to use them, just set the eyeball color back to 201 and remove the ball size override on the irises in both the child and adult LNZ.