These are part of my "Real Babyz" range.
I made this range of babyz so that the true naturists in the Babyz
community need no longer be offended at the insult to their culture
and beliefs. These little ones can be seen as Nature intended, provided
that you run the game without the White Diaper.clo file in your game's
Clothes directory.
Remember that you will need to take the White Diaper.clo file
out of your game's clothes directory before you can see these
babyz as they truly are. The pictures on this page are "censored" for
those who are prudish about pixel nudity :-)
The two at the top were made in response to a request for a baby which would
look something like Cleopatra in the film. I've made something of a mix of the
idea of a couple of Elizabeth Taylor's hairstyles in that film and produced
a couple of babyz that I like for you to enjoy :-)
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