New links...

Birdy's Magic Kennels and Cattery moved out of Abby's Petzwarehouse domain a short while before my site moved, and I nearly lost sight of where it had gone. For anyone else who is searching for Birdy's site, the link is below

moocow's site
and the associated APRS forum
There are several innovative petz here, and moocow is very generous with her work. Go there and have a good look around, it'll be worth while!

Meer's Black Mist Crittery
has moved!

Manatee has acouple of great sites: Koshka Breeds
where you can download some terrific breedz, and the archive where you can ask for petz and trade with manatee as well as the wondrous Ink and Jesi --
Silent Dreams Hexing Archive

Elizabeth's Cattery
and her Sparklebabyz site
look like promising new sites :-)

WaterFall Haven Website
Laura started a huge project -- making a version of the game that should work well with some horses that she's creating. Unfortunately her site disappeared and she is having to rebuild it at quotaless, so there is not a great deal there as of June 2007.