LNZPro 2 and Tinker tips -- for playscenes etc

This shows a Babyz example, but the way it's done works for Petz also. Go here for extra Babyz LNZPro tips and here for moe general LNZPro 2 tips.

These programs are both easy to use, but there are one or two little things that seem to puzzle people. First of all, Tinker can be used to edit external flh/flm filmstrips (as used in my easy-edit kits, and very important for Oddballz hexers) and to edit filmstrips internally.

Let's take a Babyz playscene, and see how to change the backdrop and filmstrips. This method is the same for any game file which contains bitmaps and filmstrips.

First of all, change the backdrop to one you edited in your paint package. For Babyz it must be 256 colour and, if you want all the colours to match in backdrop and filmstrip, remember to make it use the same palette as the real Babyz one -- the in-game snapshots of babyz use the correct palette. So, open your playscene in LNZPro 2, go to the bmp in question, and choose Replace from file.
changing the bmp

use the dialogue box to find the edited bitmap, and click Open. Save.
changing the bmp

Now you want to change the filmstrips.

If you are using external ones, open them like this
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
At this point you can choose to hit the Export button to create bitmaps of the existing frames for you to edit in a paint programme, or you can choose to hit the Import button to replace frames with already-edited graphics. When you've finished exporting, editing and importing, save the filmstrip and you're ready to go.
If you want at some later stage to make these filmstrips internal, open your Nursery.env in LNZPro 2 again. Replace all the edited FLH files, and their corresponding FLM files:
changing the filmstrips

If you are using internal filmstrips, to make a fully-internal file for people to download, open it like this
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
changing the filmstrips
At this point you can choose to hit the Export button to create bitmaps of the existing frames for you to edit in a paint programme, or you can choose to hit the Import button to replace frames with already-edited graphics. When you've finished exporting, editing and importing, save and you're ready to go.
