Sorry, this chunk is still to be done. I'll be putting together a proper tips and syntax page here; I hope to get it done soon, Real Soon, Honest. Meanwhile I've got them grouped together with some cryptic comments. Actually I think that these are pretty obvious, but I _will_ do the details anyway. [Default Factors] Personality of the breed -- great stuff [Outline Type] [Outline Color] [Fuzz] [16 Ball Color] [Ball Size Diffs] [Speckle Color] [Body Area] [Ball Texture] [256 Ball Color] Just a bunch of overrides [Skeleton Type] [Vocal Type] [Swat Type] [Sing Type] [Extra Sounds] [Learning Rate] [Num Tricks] [Align To Food Offset] [Locomote Types] [Grub Love] [Favorite Toy] [Favorite Flavor] [Poison Flavor] [Clumsiness] [JumpToCeiling] Lots of goodies in that lot!! I particularly enjoy Grub Love and wish I could have all three grubz' numbers in there. [MinBallScale] [MaxBallScale] [MinMasterScale] [MaxMasterScale] Can get some interesting effects, as well as crashes, with this lot [Feeding Times] [Fasting Times] [Awake Times] [Sleeping Times] Control your breed's sleepiness and hungriness :-) [Farminator Switches] Transformations!! [OddLove Breed Name] Awww... [16 Eyelid Color] [16 Iris Color] [Pupil Color] Not so useful [Strings] tips etc [Move Up] [Move Foward] [Move Sideways] Just the [Move] command done the way it was before Petz II [Dont Layer Ballz] Interesting effects [Get Info] Appearance in the info screen