Click on any picture to play with the baby online. You will need to have the babyz player installed before your browser will let you play with them. I have Windows 95, and I can play with these babyz just fine using either Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 4. If you are unable to make them work with a different operating system or browser / browser version, please don't ask me for help -- ask someone who uses the same setup as yourself or ask UbiSoft.
I made all these .bly files by hand using a hex editor. If you would like to make some for your site also, take a look at my tutorial on making player babyz.
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 | Special Babyz| Play with a Babyz Online
 Play with Jack
 Play with Vesuvius
 Play with Cathy
 Play with Josh
 Play with Frostedmalt