Help with hexing and finding old files

There are many other sites, of course, and it's difficult to single any of them out. But the ones on this page are by people who are dedicated to helping the community.

Petz Hexz is a new and exciting place which is dedicated to helping fans of the Petz games. It also helps fans of the delightful old Ham Ham hamsters game.

Affiliates of PetzHexz, where you can find lots of help and downloads:

Minibyte's Petz Archive
Minibyte not only provides an archive of many lost or forgotten Petz files, but she also converts them to other Petz versions. An awesome resource, where you can have fun too.

Kishi Kat's The Light Fantastic
You can even get some Oddballz goodies here!

Supports Petz, Babyz, Aquazone, Hamsters...

Sue's Boardwalkerz
What would we do without Sue? Hexer, supporter of Petz and Babyz, and of course host to my monster site!

And a couple of forums where you can find helpful people for these and many other virtual life games,
including of course Babyz, Oddballz, and the Aquazone series. If you need to know more about these games, including what other specific forums you can find for any of your favourite virtual life games, look through links at these forums or post questions there.

LittleCub Forum
was there to help during the days when VLF was down

Virtual Life Forum
is back online! Yay!