Trust me. I'm a hexer (bwahahaha...) The .LNZ file, or "Linez" file, is the core data that the game reads when it is making a pet from a breedfile or a baby from the main Resource dll file. You will also find .LNZ sections used for the simpler mice or grubz, also in or for a few toyz, such as the Auto-rolling Ball or milk bottle. These .LNZ files work the same way as the ones for Breedz and Babyz, but because they are associated with simpler behavours we are more limited in what we can do with them that will actually show up in the game. Clothing files have a .CLZ section which is very, very similar to .LNZ files. ball-covering clothes (shirts etc) make use of Paint Ballz, and hats etc make use of Add Ballz. If you want to insert a clothing style into a breedz or babyz .LNZ (for instance, to make the antlers permanent), be aware that you can't just copy/paste and change the ball numbers. You will also need to do a bit of fiddling -- for instance, there are fewer columns in the .CLZ add ball sections than there are in the .LNZ ones.
It has come to my notice that many people don't find how the .LNZ file works and what the various
programmers' comments, mnemonics, keywords and Key Texts are, as blindingly
obvious as I do; so I'm writing more detailed notes here in hopes that
it will help.
Okay, away off now and make some fantastic new breedz or babyz. Hexing is fun, enjoy it! . . . . What have we here? It seems to be a present of some kind...