Add Ballz ========= Are you seeing the .lnz set out the way it's supposed to be, with the columns under their headers? In [Add Ball], the column headers are like this: ;base x y z color otlnCol spckCol fuzz group outline ballsize bodyarea addGroup texture Okay, they mean much what they say. Any number in the first column is the base ball relative to which you are adding your ball. The numbers in the x, y and z columns are the co-ordinates of the added ball relative to the base ball. The fourth column, headed by "color" is the colour of the added ball, then you get the outline colour, then the speckle colour (which is really meaningless in the games from Petz II onwards), then the amount of fuzz, then the group to which the ball belongs, then outline thickness and ball size, then the bodyarea (makes a difference in Petz II and can make a difference in 2nd-gens in Petz 3-5). Don't worry about addGroup, which comes next, but don't confuse it with Texture which comes after that. Some of the lines (notably the tongue Add Ball) have a column after that which has no header; the number in that column re-confirms (or "fixes") the base ball. I hope that helps! Carolyn